Friday, October 30, 2009

Observations about Yuma

I am looking forward to celebrating the Anniversary of my high school, Kofa. (This comes from the largest copper mine in Arizona, of which the owner called, The King Of Arizona, or KofA, Kofa.) Go Kings!!

So as I hit the county line, I saw as I was heading west bound on I-8, the "Border Check" on the east bound lane. Seems that this temporary camp is still temporary with the tents and all, but it seems now 4 times bigger than just 18 months ago. Or am I imagining this? It shall be fun traveling through it on Monday.

Now I have crested Telegraph Pass. Then I see it just before the 32nd street exit. My FOURTH PHOTO RADAR! This time, the cameras flashed! Who will get this ticket? I was driving one of 4 black SUVs, I kid you not. Our top speed at the time of the flash? 63 in a 65 zone. Hmmm were we tailgating?

I am not liking these 2 observations. What is next? Oh, for the record, I will fight any ticket I may receive.

God bless! --smh
(This is a rant. There is no spiritual lesson. Sorry.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When God Smiles♦

Did you know we are "Veggie Ambassadors"? This means that the people who produce famed Veggie Tales send to us a copy of the newest DVD supposedly a couple of months before its release in stores. The purpose is so that we can play the movie for the community and give out posters, stickers and coupons so that people will buy the movie when it is released. We like this arrangement. We get to see the movie and then we get the left over stickers to use for Vacation Bible School and neat posters for the boys' room. (yeah, we stack 'em like cord wood around here.)

Anyway, one of the more recent releases was "Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella." This episode bothered me. It talked about making God smile. Not being afraid to be ourselves makes God smile. This seemed to be the main message of the story.

Now Veggie Tales has been known for bringing Biblical truths in a fun presentation format. I have been good with this. This time, they used a message, as if it were from the Bible, that is not in the Bible, not even alluded to in the Bible. God smiling? Where did this come from?

Then last night, I was seeing some videos and accusations against "America's Pastor" Rick Warren. I watched 4 videos. None of them agreed, though all 4 of them were Pastor Rick talking. But it is this last one that shed the light for the Veggie Tale that has bothered me so. Take a gander at it.

As a preacher, it is our duty, our responsibility to make sure what we preach is found within the Word of God. This is not just Sunday mornings or at church settings, but all the time, 24/7. When people see me walking down the aisle at Wal-Mart, they greet me as preacher, pastor, or depending on the person, even reverend. (I really don't like this last title for me and he knows it.) People know me around this community. So what I do on Sundays is not, and cannot be separated from how people see me even on the soccer field as I coach the Bandits.

So it really bothers me when, at a glance, someone whose theology is close to mine then leaves that theology and "creates" new "truths". I sit back and watch how main stream people watch, swallow and follow these new teachings. I pray for those who follow "America's Pastor".

Now please don't misunderstand me. I do not hold the average person responsible for bad theology. I will open the Bible and show him what God really says, if the person wants, but I will not draw into an argument with them. I save the arguing for my colleagues, the other preachers.

They as "God's shepherds" should know better. James 3.1 tells us that we should not presume to become teachers {of God's Word}, because we know that as teachers we shall be held to a higher standard.

I guess that this is all part of "Re-Imaging our Christian Faith" to fit with our new world times. That just really bothers me.

2 Tim 3.16 says the Bible is all we need to become the person God wants us to be, for doing the good works that God wants us to do, aka spread His Good News.

And Rick, do you really want to please God? I implore you to look at Hebrews 11.6.

Thanks for listening to this rant of mine. May God's blessings flow through you to those who need His love. --smh

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Lesson From a Point

Perhaps I have done a bad thing. I have created, and then fed an addiction. No, this is not my addiction. But it is an addiction within the household. But it is so funny to watch him come and beg for more as if he were coming down hard from a high. Relax, it is not with my sons, nor my dogs.

We have this cat, an orange tabby named Toby. And he has an addiction that I created and feed whenever I have the whim to do so. And what is this addiction? "Laser Light!"

I bought this neat pen that came equipped with LED light and a laser pointer at the top end. Our other cat liked it, but she never became "addicted" to it. Then we got Toby and one day I pulled the pen out and shined the laser. He went ballistic!

Mention "laser light" he comes running with a loud purr. Or if I sit at my chair or I am in the kitchen, he comes to me, chirps and then starts looking around for the little red dot. If he does not immediately see the red dot, then he becomes insistent. He has even jumped in my lap and nipped my hand because I was not giving in to him. He needs me to show him the light. (What a monster I have created!)

This brings me to another application as I was one day showing him the pointer. I started thinking about the Bible, and how this might apply to our spiritual lives. (Surely you saw this coming.)

Jesus told his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount, recorded in Matthew 5, verses 14 & 16, "You are the light of the world... (so) let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." (Christian Standard Bible)

Another way to look at this: we are declared the light of the world, shining the way to the Father. The world needs us to be that light. To live so that we show others the way we have found. And why do they need us?

When I was in Boy Scouts, we once circled a campfire and then we started walking away from the fire. We were to stop when we each reached as close to the edge of darkness as we dared, without actually entering the darkness. When we had all stopped, we turned around to face the fire. We could not clearly see one another, not across the fire, nor to our sides. While we thought we were still in the light, we were really well into the dark.

The point of this story is that our neighbors around us may not know the extent of darkness that they are in. This is where we come in. We are to shine their paths out of the darkness, not with arrogance or superiority, but with gentleness and love, the Gentleness and Love of God, our Father. And who knows? Someone may love that light you shine for them.

The Father's blessings to you! --smh

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Question of Salvation and Works♦

A friend of mine stated on Facebook, "If our faith cannot take us to church, what makes us think that it will take us to heaven?" I liked that comment of his. Then another friend of his questioned that. It appears to me that he is of a "faith only" belief. Just believe that God is your savior. That's it. I almost replied with, "Consider Philippians 2.12. Of course that passage Paul is telling the church in Philippi to work out their salvation.

I didn't post it so that I could talk about it here, in my blog. Sorry Gary. :-)

Comes to me that this question is not about the gift, but the nature of the gift. One might use the Christmas gift to explain salvation. You might have heard it: A person was given this nice, probably expensive gift from a very wealthy friend. He set it on the mantle of his fireplace. He looked at the nice wrapping, and admired it. Yet he never unwrapped it. He has no idea what was in the box. The question is, did he truly receive the gift?

Yet, for this thought, that illustration fails. It perhaps is on the right track. Perhaps it's not. The biggest problem is our understanding the nature of the gift. From reading 1 Corinthians one can see that God's wisdom is not the wisdom of the world. The world really cannot understand God's wisdom and therefore looks at it as being folly.

So let us consider the gift of salvation from God through Jesus Christ. What is the nature of it? Is this something that we receive once, that we admire and stare at, such as one would do a crystal elephant? I sure hope not.

I got my wife a crystal elephant for Christmas, either our first or second Christmas. We both like to look at it. I bought a light box that changes colors to bring out different beauties within the crystal. And yet, it sits there. We stare at it. That's it.

That is typical of the gifts of the world. Sure, you may use a video game system or some other more usuable object. But does it change us? Does it motivate us to live differently? Maybe, depending on the item we may change our diet, we may drive more if we are so blessed, but will it change our attitude? Will it make us really transformed as with what we read in 2 Corinthians 3.18 or Romans 12.2? *Paul talks about how we need to be transformed through the renewing of our mind, becoming more like Jesus.

No, for that, the transformation comes from within. The gifts of the world brings perhaps transformations on the outside while the heart remains unmoved.

Yet there is another nature or aspect of the gift of God, being the motivation or the doing. James 1.22 says, "Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

So often we feel that if we pay our tithes, and attend church, then we have done our duty to God. Yet that is no more, nor better than what the Pharisees were doing when Jesus blasted their traditions.

James' letter is all about our motivation. It is about living our faith. Do we have faith in Christ? Let me back up, do you like to attend sporting events, such as a Dallas Cowboys game? What makes it better in person than on television? Perhaps because you are able to share your joy with other, like-minded fans? See where I am going?

Do we have faith in Christ? Do we show the same enthusiasm for Christ that we would our favorite team? Do we want to be around others who are like minded? Why wouldn't we?

Let us now return to what James wrote in 1.22. Let us do what the Word says. What does the Word say for us to do? Matthew 22.37-40, Jesus replied, "Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The second one is like it: Love your neighbor like yourself. All the Law and Prophets hang on these two commandments."

In short, we are to live fully for God, and show His love for our neighbors, even if we don't want to.

Then we have the passage from Matthew 28.18-20. Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey every commandment I have taught you. And I will always be with you, even to the end of the ages."

And there is one more. (Actually there are quite many more, but for brevity, I have only looked at just a scant few.) James, once again tells us what pure religion looks like. James 1.27, he writes: "Religion that is pure and acceptable to God the Father is this: to look after the widows and orphans in their times of distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by this world."

Jesus lived His faith, because He loved God. He set the example for us to imitate. Now mind you, we do not live the faith to earn salvation, but because we have been given salvation. We live our faith not because we want God to love us, but because we already love God for what He has done for us. That is a different nature of the greatest gift you and I will ever receive.

God bless, and thanks for reading my thoughts.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fear in Fatherhood

I almost did it again. Most of my posts seem to start of with, "So here..." I suspect that my suspicions are true. Yet that is not what I am afraid of.

I remember Saturday afternoon. The Game was over. Our team lost. Again. That is ok. Sometimes failing is the best teacher. Sometimes. This time. Yet moving along. We were on our way back, having had the boys eat already because they were not going to enjoy the BBQ. So anyway, we are heading to the Leppin Ranch for the Harvest Festival. Carol was selling her soap. We made a few.

So where is the fear? I am a preacher. I have sons. I know many boys who are sons of preachers. They for the most part, do not like listening to sermons. Not their dads, not those on the radio. I do not look forward to that day. I pray it never comes. I have faith that as long as I look up, they shall never utter the words that I heard many preachers' sons utter, "I hate the ministry" or "I hate sermons". Yet most of them seem to be fulfilling a sence of family tradition. (That is another post.)

So as I was heading back to the festival, I was running a bit dry on Dr Pepper in my Mug. Seems that the Shell station happened to be on the way. So I pulled in. To expedite the errand, I turned the radio on, rolled the windows down and had the boys stay in the car and wait. (Relax. This is NOT Yuma. We are nice a cool. And I parked in the shade. Come warm or cold, I do not leave the kids in the car.) And to my shock, there was no music. Just preaching.

I tried to make it as brief as possible. I run in, fill up. Go to pay. Oops. The clerk wants to visit. So I take a few moments extra. Forgot that I left the radio on to sermons. Ok, just one sermon. I was only inside for 10 minutes. I could see the car from the register as well as from the soda fountain. Kids were fine. After I pay up, I head back out.

Arriving at the door, I hear the preacher's MC making a plea for support of the ministry. The boys had 15 minutes of sermon. I began to apologize. Then Precious Ricky, my real PK (His name is Patrick Karl, after his grandpas, and I loved that his initials are PK. Yet Another post,) interrupts the beginning of my apology.

"Papa, the sermon was about King Nebednuzzar. I like listening to sermons." WOW! Talk about a natural high!! That was to keep me soaring. But I decided to save this for the blog. Sorry Carol. Ricky made my day. He likes listening to sermons. My sermons. (Sure the radio is not playing my sermons, yet. But mine are what he hears the most.)

I pray that I continue to look to the Father so that I can be the papa to my boys. Instill a faith in them that moves greater mountains that God has used for me, whether they be preachers, or farmers, or perhaps both.

Yet it is also humbling. My boys are watching me, listening to me. I am not always the best. I don't always keep my cool. I want to break the cycle that has been handed down to me. By God's grace, that cycle is still broken. But by His Grace, His Strength, His Love.

Thank you, Father, for the boys you have blessed me with. May I continue to teach them to trust in You.

Thanks for reading. (Notice, this is a SHORT post. Not bad for a Giant. LOL) --smh

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another Sinker

The sky was a beautiful, slight overcast. One would say it was shaping up to be a rather nice, warm, mostly sunny day. Driving through the city streets, if one can call Winslow a city being that she is only 3 miles wide and but a mile deep. Yet this Sunday morning, the streets were normally vacant. (This is but a topic for another post. Remind me.) At thie church building, I pull up into the shade of the elm that over hangs the sidewalk. Why not? If it were to be a warm day, then I would want my truck to be rather cool to sit in at the end of the Worship Service.

Sunday School teacher was a bore today. I nearly fell asleep during the discussion-less lecture. I hate when the Sunday School teacher lectures us. Reminded me of sitting through a few of those dry lectures in Bible College. Class ended on time, thankfully. I wasn't sure I could endure a moment more. (Yet this is another topic for another blog. But you all gotta remind me.)

As typical of my duties preparing for the start of the worship service, I jump up to the stage, fire up my old Pentium 1 computer. (Yeah, it still works, and works well with the projector.) It was time to start the power point. Once I had the first of the slides for the morning displaying, it was time to head to the fellowship room.

The people who prepare the fellowship time do a good job at providing rather questionably healthy snacks. (OK so they aren't healthy at all.) I do enjoy them. Today was a Turkish pastry type with raspberry jelly rolled up inside, and nice sugar crystals coating the outside. I quickly downed 4 of them while looking for the new couple.

I missed them last week. They took the holiday and explored Lake Powell and the Grand Canyon. They had a successful fishing trip. Of course all of this was still not known to me. For I did not see them. They usually stop by the Fellowship Room as they enter the building. It was almost time to start. Where could they be?

I decided that since I was needed up front, I would just poke my head out. Excellent. Their 4Runner was parked across the street from me. Still a mostly clear day, but they snuck in. I called them on it. We enjoyed talking about their trip, their fish fry and their relaxation.

Then all of a sudden I hear our guitarist beckon me from the stage. We were now running late in our starting time. Carol already had the boys situated in the pews. So I bound up, accidentally turning my wireless mic on in front of the speaker. Now all who were put to sleep by the Sunday School teacher are full awake. (Note to self...wait until you are at the pulpit to turn the mic on, or ask the local audiologist for a referral fee.)

Being late, and usually being the one waiting for the worship team, I was flustered. I apologized for the late start. "I was busy fellowshipping down below." Did I just say that? Should I clarify? 10 seconds that lasted 10 minutes... Panic started to set in.

"I mean down off the stage." Maybe I should have kept my size 13 mouth shut. The congregation erupted in laughter at the connotation of my original statement.


Wait! Where did that thunder come from? While I talked, it thundered. People were reminding me of the sanctity of the pulpit. Were they enjoying the timing of God's thunder? Were they talking tongue in cheek? Were they serious? Was God serious?

We began our song service. After the initial set of songs, it was time to greet one another. During this time, I take our chair bound lad next door for Children's Church. It was raining quite hard at this time. (20 minutes ago, it was mostly sunny, remember.) I lay my glasses aside so they would not get soaked as I took the kids next door. That went without much incident. My suit is charcoal grey so it was hard to see how wet it got. That is a blessing.

As I was walking back the the Sanctuary Building, I looked. Across the street, it was sunny. Across the other street, it was sunny too. Across the alley was also sunny. Oh the Baptist church next door was sunny too. But it was sure raining hard, and thundering over our church. Hmm.

The rest of the song service was going well. Then it was time for the sermon. Today we are looking at judgment from 1 Corinthians 4. 1-5. The sermon was not the usual 3 point. At least not how I planned it. There was only 2 points. The only judgment that we need to be concerned with is God's. And His judgment is sure. (2nd coming from 1 Corinthians 1.8 from a couple of weeks ago.)

I had good passion. I do like the letters to the Corinthians. They are a church not much different from the typical American church today. Then as I built the transition from point 2 to the application, I advanced on the slide. There was point 3, the one I deleted on Friday. Originally the 3rd point was all other judgment is distraction. I had decided that the point was distracting so I tucked it away in point 1. And there it is on the screen.

Talk about a fumble. Another peel of thunder followed by the pelting of hail stones. Father forgive me for such a delivery today.

Afterward I was surrounded and encouraged. It was a good day. I pray that it did bring glory to the Father. I pray that this note brought a smile to your face.

For me, next time I see have to hear a Sunday School lecture... Well I am not sure what I will do. Maybe grit my teeth and bear it. God bless, and thank you for reading. --smh

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

A Glimmer of Hope?

Once again I am sitting here at the computer, reading stories after stories, status updates upon more. I am trying to see more and more of what I can. Dr. Ogilvie posted a tidbit about HR 45. Sure we can keep our arms. But we will be taxed to exercise one of our God-given rights? Hmm.

Saw another article. It is the link that is associated with this. GW passed a law giving the government even MORE power. Obama has staffed the office that this bill created. Seems my church for holding a VBS Yardsale could be fined, and I arrested, for selling stuff that I didn't know was even recalled. Hmm.

So where is the hope? Read that article. At the bottom of the page, click "NEXT" so that you may finish the article. Then read the comments. At this time, there are about 6 pages of comments. ALL of them are against this. No one likes this. One man (Shadfurman) summed it up this way: "There goes a little more of my right to "pursue happiness", especially if I'm a toy collector... which I'm not... but it's my right to be if I want it."

Am I seeing people starting to wake up? Are we starting to cling to our rights, and letting our voices be heard? Is there hope?

YOU BET! There is hope if we first bend our knees in praise to God for allowing us to be born in the United States of America, and secondly, if we stand up and speak for our rights. Let us reclaim our great Nation. For me, it starts in Navajo County, the Great State of Arizona. (I just love how "Great State of Arizona" looks. What can I say? I am a proud son of this State.) Where does it start for YOU, my readers?

Mr McCain, Mr Kyl, Ms Kirkpatrick, Mr Obama, do you hear us, yet? We are getting louder, just for you.

Thanks for reading... Keep the Fight, and keep the FAITH!!! Godspeed, and God bless! -- smh

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hey, We're OLD?!

So I sit here, reflecting upon a facebook war, if one might call it such. Robert started it. He said everyone but him was looking old. Robert, you don't look as old because you shave your head, ya cheat! Anyway, this isn't about attacking anyone, at least not in the serious form. This is about us getting older. Having a laugh.

We become painfully aware of it with tragedies. We jokingly are reminded when we see a sports star our own age have his midlife crisis in front of the cameras as he signs his "Hail Mary" contract. Dude, take a page from the book of Elway and buy an auto dealership and enjoy life. (But one must wonder what Minnesota was thinking. Isn't this where Steve Young retreated to, as well?)

Roberts comments were not the only reason this has been on my mind of late. Truth be told, we are not old. I can't be. I don't shave my head like some, and don't invest in "Just For Men" like others, but I have less gray today then at the 10 year reunion. (though, seriously I have no idea who is using. Care to confess? Oh, using JFM!)

Last month, we had our nieces from Albq visiting us for a few weeks. It's always a blast having them here with us. Well maybe not this time. My Candice said, "Uncle Steve, you're old!" Thanks lil princess. Why do I call you my "Favorite Niece" again?

That's not it alone. There is more. There is a Shell Food Mart where I enjoy the best tap Dr. Pepper around. Everyone there knows me. Everyone there really doesn't know me, I learned. One of the girls working there said, "I have been meaning to ask you: those boys that occasionally come in with you, are they your grandchildren?" OUCH!!! THAT HURT! OUCH! Still smarting over that. I went back to talk with one of the few there that I have known going on years. "Actually, we all thought that they were your grandsons." Did I say OUCH!!

So then we go off to a store in Flagstaff. Winslow is limited on where one goes to buy clothes for my SONS. Wal-mart. Fantastic selection of girls clothes. (Yeah we lack the selection for boys.) So back to the store in Flagstaff. We had someone at the register ringing up our purchase. He looked like he was 50-ish. "Sir, I must compliment you on your well behaved grandsons." Say it with me: "OUCH!!"

Being a preacher, I usually can't keep my mouth shut. I thought I would share these events with my congregation. Since the mean age of the congregation is 60, AFTER we include my family's ages, I thought I would be told, "Preacher, you don't look old." Hey, I wanted some ego boosting.

Instead, "Gramps! That is too funny!" Hey! Again, my favorite chorus of this note: (Say it with me:) OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! Seeing this 80 year old lady calling ME, "Gramps".

Thought I would get sympathy from my dad since he called to let me know he misses his grandchildren who do not live in Yuma. Nope. Not gonna happen. He had a hoot. We got to talking about the whole event. Until Kevin moved to 26th Place, my dad was the oldest dad around. Seriously, he was. I didn't want to be a senior citizen at my boys' graduations. I got married earlier. But we could not have children until ... Well I am going to be a senior citizen at my kids' graduation. Oh well.

The point of these funnies, you must ask? Aging. I don't really feel young. I don't see much differences from the pictures of the 20 year reunion from what I saw at the 10 year. I even still remember Uncle Gene's Black 40 party. He still looks the same.

Oh yeah, back on aging. I remember when I was younger. I was in college. I wonder why people make a big deal of aging. I thought, "just embrace it, move on." Now I am there, seeing myself, forcing myself to embrace the fact that I may not be as young as I used to be. (Though I can still walk a 15 minute mile, and run it in 7. And I am now 7" taller than at graduation.)

One might say, "Steven, as a preacher, you are failing to make your point." Yeah, I know. I am having fun rambling. I used to ramble too much on Sunday morning, so I have to have an outlet for it, so here we are. What was I saying?

Oh yeah, aging. I am ... Well I did have a point that I was in the process of driving the long way too. I got lost. Sorry. Enjoy this time & thanks for reading!

Gramps Steve

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Politicians & Guns in Arizona

I write this note as I am finishing my day. I had a great day. Today was the monthly meeting of Republican PCs for Navajo County. I had a great conversation with a kindred mind to and fro the meeting. We talked about many things both church and state. But that is for another post.

During the meeting, as it is recess for the State Legislation, Senator Sylvia Allen was able to attend. She is a politician that one wants to trust. She is endearing. She listens to critics. She welcomes praise. But she is gutsy as well. She is typical ARIZONA!!

Arizona has been getting some bad rap. Sure a man from Glendale, or was it Scottsdale, moved to New Hampshire. He took his gun, (remember Amendment 2) to the presidential rally. People were alarmed. He has ties to the likes of Timothy McVeigh! (His ties is that he lived in Arizona. Timothy lived in Arizona. Let's therefore turn Arizona into a prison state, for we are all guilty of being associated with T McV!!)

So back to the meeting. Fund raisers are coming up. People were wondering about the events that would help raise funds so that we can get the word out, inform the masses. It looked like the BBQ would be $50 neighborhood per person, maybe couple. This preacher would not be attending. Senator Allen is nominated to the chair of the fund-raising committee for an evening. BBQ now has price tag of 25 per couple. Now we are talking. This is for October 17, at Tenney Ranch. I am not sure where this is. But I shall learn before then. We are going, provided that I am not obligated to be somewhere else for work.

The day, 10/17, is even better than that. Prior to the BBQ, which will bring in funds from the dessert auction, will be preceded by Senator Allen's fund raiser. Same place. She calls it the Shoot Out with Senator Allen. Now how brave is that?!

Yeah, Folks! She is going to allow herself to be in the same location as her Constituents packing heat. She is doing such a bang up job down in Phoenix that she is secure in her approval to allow such an event. She did this last year too. (And yes I can shoot off the puns all day long!) When I asked her about it, she said "I am a pretty dangerous shot with my .357!" (Since I can't hit the broad side of a barn with my .38 S & W, she is allowing me to bring my Marlin .22 Long Rifle! She is sweet!)

Only such bravada and confidence, and love for her state and her people... Only in Arizona do we have the likes that are willing to take such risks. First there was Barry Goldwater. Then there was Sheriff Mack of Graham County and Sheriff Joe of Maricopa County. Now there is Senator Sylvia Allen of Northern Arizona. (Too bad I can't put McCain or Governor Jan on this list.)

Point is, not ALL politicians are afraid of guns. After all, GUNS DON'T KILL people... Doctors DO! (Oh wait! That's a reference to another Email. Cyd can get you the information. Maybe even Joan or Tom.)

This is why I am proud to be a son of the Great State of Arizona! Thanks for reading. Have a blessed and awesome day in the Lord!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Christianity and Politics

So here I sit. Pondering. I am a preacher. I am a political activist. I am thinking, wondering. As being involved in politics, and preaching, I have made some people unhappy, not the least several in my congregation. I have made some people wonder outside the church. I ponder. I wonder.

Earlier today I had a typical discussion with one of my critics. “I was reading Romans 13 yesterday. I realized that if I were to be in politics, fighting Caesar, then I would be fighting God. That is not the position I want to find myself in.” This seems to be the mantra of those who want to remain clueless, who don’t mind seeing the country they may have even fought for, changed and destroyed.

So the question is: Is being against the rules coming out of Washington DC, and actively speaking against and trying to change such laws disobeying what the Word of God says? Let’s break the passage down. “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God. So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves.” (Romans 13.1-2 - Christian Standard Bible)

The first phrase is: “everyone must submit to the governing authorities...” What does this word “submit” mean? Simply, it means to yield. Do we pay taxes? Do we buckle our seatbelts? Do we follow the laws to the best of our ability? Do we pull over when we see reds and blues flashing in our mirrors? If you answer yes, you are indeed submitting to the governing authority. Ah! Now it gets sticky. What is our governing authority? The President? The Governor? The Sheriff, the Mayor, the Constitution? Yes. Now at each time, there will be conflicts that arise. Who wins? According to the Supreme Court, 1997 Mack vs. US Government, the Sheriff is the supreme leader. The President does not have the power to influence the Sheriff in his own county. So when conflicts arise, take a look at the Constitution to see who reigns.

The second phrase is: “...for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God.” We can agree this seems cut and clear. It is a bit of a challenge to know that God has allowed and allows some less than desirable systems to be instituted. Yet, Paul wrote this as Caesar outlawed and put to death followers of Jesus.

The last phrase, which is verse 2, reads: “So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves.” The key to this phrase is the word, “resist”. Some version have rebel. Am I rebelling against the Caesar of this time and locations? Absolutely Not! Am I advocating rebellion against the Caesar of this time and location? Nope, not happening. Why, one might ask?

I am able to be a preacher and be able to be active in politics because I understand the framers of our great nation. Our system is set up differently than any system prior to it, or any that will be set up after it. Yes one may say that Rome was a Republic like our nation, but our nation was a better Republic. Our nation was a Republic that had set up a checks and balance against Caesar. It had built into the system the expectation that her citizens would be active believers who also served. Congress used to meet for a few weeks, usually winter time, for the good of the nation. (Now they take a single month vacation, for the good of the nation.)

Somewhere along the way, the government stepped in and took over most of the social care that the Church provided, as to help. Since that time, a lie was sold that said that those of Christian Faith do not belong in politics. A quesiton naturally arises. If you remove the influence of the Christian Faith, which bought & brought all our freedoms, then what can one expect to happen in the vacuum that is then created? Do we not now see this very result of the Christians saying, “It’s not our place to be involved”?

As an American Citizen, I am obligated to work for the solutions of this nation. As a Christian, I proclaim the only solution that will work. If perhaps we were in any other nation, I may not be able to reconcile politics and Faith. But praise to our Heavenly Father that we were born here in the United States. We have not only the freedom, but the duty to be involved in government and politics, first as citizens, and most importantly, as Christians. So I close with this thought. Brother, Sister, get involved. Staying out only helps those who hate us because of Christ.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

What Is Hidden

Here I sit, having not blogged for a while. It has been sitting like a burr under the saddle. I went to a meeting, to become a pc for the Republican party in Winslow. I love being back in politics and look forward to becoming more involved. But that is a side note. Back to the meeting and what I learned there.

It was brought up that there are new facilities that are to serve as emergency shelters, kind of like tent cities that Sheriff Joe uses in Maricopa County. Some have cited 3rd person testimony of corrections officers leaving Winslow prison to train at these federal tent cities. Very interesting and very scary. And no offense to my Winslow brethren, but very hard to swallow. (Though my fellow Winslowians should keep reading. It will make sense.)

I guess that my schooling in Missouri has rubbed off on me. I am the kind of guy that needs to see hard evidence. And then…

The other day, I was at the office, and Dr Merrell was so proud of his new download on his computer. He was trying to show me where he had been a missionary in Taipei, Taiwan. It’s fascinating to say the least. So this is what I want to talk about, the above mentioned website. If you have high speed internet, the program, the free version that I have, takes about 12 minutes to download.

So what is Google Earth? It is satellite imagery that has been downloaded to the net. You can look at any location. You can almost see any building but not with a whole lot of detail. For example, I saw my parents’ home, but not with too much detail. I mean I know that judging by how full the Wal-Mart parking lot is, which is next door, that during that time of day, there should be a car and boat in the drive and people in the pool. Just the way it is. But I could not tell if there was a car in the drive or not.

Then as I was looking at the improvements of Yuma, I noticed that there were some subtle changes that one might not see when looking for a specific place. I was not, but I decided to follow the highway back to Winslow. Before I left Yuma, I noticed that there were about 6 different ground discolorations in the City of Yuma alone. This is definitely not a continuous picture, or from even the same pass of photo imaging. Some areas appear to be colorized. Some are sepia. But why are there these discontinuities?

So I am panning the I-8, see my dad’s farm. Well I see where it should be. OK Yuma had this new shopping plaza built 4-5 years ago. That is there. My house built 4 years ago. That is not there. I looked at my dad’s farm, built 30, that’s THIRTY years ago. THAT IS NOT THERE. Hmmm. I panned further south of my dad’s farm to the natural cisterns that I used to climb through as a teen. The area was blurred. I left the browser there for about an hour to see if it needs to buffer. Still a blur.

OK I know that there is a bombing range just southeast of my dad’s farm. The fighters have been so close to the ground that I could see if the pilot shaved or not. I expected that area to be blurred. It was. But why immediately south? What is there? What is there south of Welton? What is there 8 miles east of Dateland on the I-8?

Now the Dateland, there is something of interest. I have driven the 8 between Yuma and the end in Casa Grande so many times. I know the stops and exits. And then I saw something near Dateland that I have never seen before. What is it? It appears to be a facility that is ¼ mile deep, ½ mile wide, and the buildings near a tenth mile long, and planted at angles to the plots they are on.

So I then stopped to search the desert from the air, in a way that I have never really searched before. Sure I have driven most of the dirt roads in Yuma County, but thanks to Google Earth, there is a lot that I do not know about my beloved old stomping grounds.

And yet, now I must pause. Why do we see all these patches and blurs. Why are some of the images 30+ years old while others are up to date? It seems that there is a lot for hiding. Yet for what reason are the pictures not accurate?

Times are changing. It is interesting. I am preparing. Are you?

Friday, April 17, 2009

"Pastor attacked by Obama's Goons"

Wow! I just heard about the craze. A Pastor going through a border check station was "assaulted" by the Border Patrol. Now that sounds outrageous. I was initially enraged because what I had been saying was going to happen was happening.

After those thoughts, I started to ask the questions, "Why did the Law Officers do this? What did he do to have this happen?" These are important questions to ask. Before making a judgment, one must ask these questions and others to get the context of the situation.

Then I saw the video. Well let's be honest, I stopped listening after two minutes. Then I saw another video that he made as he went to New Mexico. Well, OK, I stopped listening once again about the two minute point. Why?

These are his words, "I refused to answer the questions..." From there he escalated the situation. Now a couple of new questions came to mind.

Now let's consider 2 factors we must take into consideration. The first would be from our rights as American Citizens. I must remind us that first and foremost, we drive on the roads by the grace of the law. It is a Privilege, not a right, to drive down I-8 (the road in which this horrid event took place.) Since it is a privilege, we must assume that there are conditions that can be imposed upon us, within reason.

Also let us remember that almost 8 years ago, 911 happened. 911 changed EVERYTHING in regards to personal rights and privacy, especially on the roadways and airports. And we willingly let these rights go. But let's be fair here. Law Enforcement Agents, such as Border Patrol, did not take a mile when we gave them the inches. They probably asked the questions that were not invasive.

The questions were most likely, "Where are coming from?" & "Where are you heading?" Below you will find two links to two videos. Unfortunately we are not able to hear the questions, nor does he tell us what was asked. Being from Yuma and my wife from the Las Cruces/El Paso Tx area, we go through these check points quite often. We have never have had any problems, which is amazing since I look more menacing than our Baptist Brother, and couple that with my Hispanic-looking wife (she is Korean).

Of course, we tell them what they want to know. "We were visiting family and now heading home to Winslow, AZ." "THank you, have a nice day and drive safely," is what we always hear.

Now some may ask, "Steven, that is too personal." Maybe. But this brings up a question of rights, especially since the Baptist Preacher appealed to 4th Admenment. Are our rights something we should hold onto? Is there a time we should willing let ourselves lay them aside?

This is a critical question because as many of you know, I am now heavily involved in the political scene in North Arizona. You may even have seen me on YouTube protesting at the Boston Tea Party 2 of Winslow AZ. So what guidelines do I use?

Of course Romans 13.1 says submit to our governing authorities. So an officer asks me a question, I answer. Constitution says I can demonstrate in such a way that I do not interfere with another's rights, I demonstrate. Obama says I need to pay more taxes, I pay more taxes. If an officer says, "Open your trunk." I do. Remember, 911.

But more, Acts 16, Paul was flogged. He had rights. He was a Roman Citizen, and they can NOT be flogged. He was. He laid his rights aside so that Jesus could be glorified. (He didn't do this every time. In Acts 22, he claimed his rights and was spared the flogging.)

Then there is what Peter admonished us to do as a Chosen People of God in his first letter. (2.12-17) We are to live such a good life (good is Old English meaning "godly") that we silence our critics. We are to submit to every authority from Obama to Officer Diaz, so that God can be glorified in our lives.

Unfortunately, our Baptist Brother did not do this. He, as you will hear in the second video, went with a hostile attitude, or at best, a self-righteous attitude. Did he deserve the beating? Officers entrusted with our protection would hopefully show more restraint. Perhaps they did act within reason. But that is not the point. The real question: Was God glorified in his actions? Is God glorified in OUR actions?

Tis be my prayer, brethren! God bless and God speed to you! Thanks for reading this lengthy post. --smh

Video of Pastor Steve Anderson telling what happened:

Video of Pastor Steve Anderson going through the New Mexico Border check:

Friday, March 13, 2009

A Letter to the Winslow AZ Community 2

Here it is. I wrote a letter because there is an uproar. NIMBY is the cry of the hour. No one wants this in their backyard. They claim it’s the safety of the children, and that property values would drop.
This attitude annoyed Carol and I to the point that Carol wrote a letter that we were going to publish in the local notice and advertisement publication. We then reworked the letter that was for a short while available on the blog and notes for Facebook. We also made copies of this letter, which was in full support of the “sober” houses. The copies were for the Planning and Zoning Committee.
Then as the meeting started, I was all prepared to answer with the letter charge for charge from what the nay-sayers were stating. Then the Committee asked for the director to answer some of the charges brought up, to give account for the questions that the people raised.
It quickly became clear that those who want to do this noble project were not fully clear on how to do this. All of a sudden I started praying. I did not want to read my letter in full support of this.
I could not, cannot support this. One problem is that the referrals for who should become a resident were clearly stated that it would come from Winslow Guidance Associates, Winslow Indian Health Center and from the Detox Center. What is missing from the list is Community Counseling Center and Community Christian Center - Agape Christian Counseling. Now since my office is the latter, I am trying not to take this personally. Perhaps it was a mishap.
The other problem that arose is that the procedure and safe guards and checks do not exist. They have a procedure manual that is not finished. They have an admittance process that is not clearly defined. Their staff is not full, for they put forth that there would be one supervisor for both buildings. During the day when the residents are to be out of the building at either “intense counseling”, school or work, then there doesn’t need to be anyone at the buildings. All counseling once the person becomes a resident, would be at the Winslow Guidance Associates.
Then God answered my prayers. One of the P & Z members moved to table the topic until such time the Agape House builds a board of directors, for there is only one person who runs Agape House, and Agape House is able to have a model of “rigid structure” for the residents, as well as a policy manual. Though Agape House did conclude with the resolve to talk the P & Z out of 2 or 3 of their conditions.
Winslow does need this. This is not open for debate. But since Winslow has never had a program such as this, it becomes critical that whoever does this have all their ducks in a row, so to speak. If this fails, then there will never be an opportunity for a better model in the future. I hope that in the next month, WGA and Agape House are able to get the information together. I hope that I will change my mind as willingly as I did tonight.
But if Agape House and WGA are not the ones to bring this program to reality, then I pray that God will bring along someone who will, in a way that truly helps those who need it, and more importantly, in a way that brings people to God. Thank you for reading my thoughts. ---smh

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Letter to the Community of Winslow, Arizona

Dear Citizens of Winslow,
We want to make it known that we think this city needs these “Sobering” Houses. We need a rehabilitation center. We have heard of where it is proposed to be and are not concerned. We would like to think that a person who enters a place such as these has thought long and hard on changing their current situation and we would like the ability to help them. We believe in second chances and that a person can improve their life by taking steps toward that end.
There is no denying the fact that there are unsavory persons in this town. They are everywhere, they go anywhere. We have seen them around Washington School, Safeway, Bashas, Wal-Mart and other public places near children. These persons have come up to us when we had our children nearby. They are here.
We hope that instead of ignoring the problem, we, as a community, will have something available for them to improve their lives if they so wish. The problem is here, it is now. We need something to address it. We need some Sobering Houses. Here, in Winslow. Not far away where the problem is moot; but here where there is a problem.
Frankly, when they approach us, we are quite disgusted. They smell, they look shabby in appearance and are hard to understand, if at time, at all. Still, we want to help if we can. We don’t know their circumstances and probably never will. But they need something now that they are not getting; A Second Chance. We know that some will choose to change, to become more productive citizens, but if there is no place for them, how can they change? We need to be proactive. Give these “houses” a chance to help one person become a better man/woman.
Winslow has a choice. The choice is to have drunks, addicts and various unsavory people in town without trying to help, or the choice to have a place for them to change for the better. We vote for having the Sobering Houses. We hope you will, too.


Steven and Carol Harvey
Minister, First Christian Church

Saturday, February 28, 2009


The day is done and I have returned. I enjoyed today. It was a pushed, but beautiful drive.

So when I arrived, I found the room. I entered. There were 9 others. I expected that. What made my heart skip was that the folders all stated: "Hospice Chaplaincy Training". There is only one opening, and here are all these people. How am I to compete? Can I compete?

Then Joel Boyd did the introductions. All of a sudden I was one of six. Then the group shrank. Apparently there were 3 volunteers. So I am feeling a bit better. My competition consisted of the Chaplain for the NAU Sports department, who also serves as Associate Minister of Christ's Church of Flagstaff, and the director of Parks and Recreation for Winslow.

Joel hinted that a couple of us would fill in for the whole, since the job is only part time for at least a year, until enough families in the Winslow Area enroll for services. Afterwards, Joel asked if I was still interested, which I am. So he gave me an application to fill out. (The other 2 men apparently had filled one out themselves.)

One item does cause me to pause. It was a release to look at my credit report. I declined, and wrote on the signature line what my credit score was, and how it faired, which is why I was looking for a job.

Now here is what else I know: the Corporation is called "Hospice Compassus". They have given the verbal OK to hire this position in Winslow. But they have not yet put it in writing. So we are waiting as much as two weeks. And Joel encouraged me, so I am looking forward to this.

So what I am now asking you is to continue to prayer for me as it comes to your mind. (Put this on a sticky note and attach it to the monitor or your Bible.) I shall keep you posted as I know more.

Again, thank you! God bless! --smh

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Hospice Interview

Here I am, sitting on a Friday night eagerly watching the clock, should be getting ready for bed. The morrow holds anticipation, as well as a bit of apprehension and anxiety. But thankfully we serve a loving Father who holds the morrow. In a wee over 9 hours I shall be waking, washing and then traveling down to Sedona, AZ for a Hospice training.

Now of course I asked if attending the training meant that I was being offered the position. The chief chaplain said, "no". He went on to explain that this is part of the interview process. They during the course of the training session may decide that I would not be a good fit. Then again, perhaps I may find that THEY are not a good fit for me.

So when do I find out if I become the Winslow chaplain? I am not sure. He was a bit vague when I tried to get an idea. I do feel good about it overall. I am trusting that God will direct us together. But of course, if He does not intend for me to be here, then I am sure there is another, greater opportunity laying ahead.

I ask you, my friends and brethren to pray about this situation. Join us in our petition. I greatly appreciate it. When I know more, I shall post it. Thank you all.

In God's Love --smh

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What Works for You?

This is a bit of a different blog, or thought. It came to me as I was sitting and reading my Bible. I am reading it through from Genesis to Revelation. As a preacher, I must confess, this is only my 3rd journey though in my 21 years as a Christian.

Why haven’t I read the Bible through more? I would like to say that I have been so busy, I just couldn’t do it. Actually I have no reason why I haven’t. So let me go to the other question: Why have I read through twice? When did I take the first 2 journeys? (This last question hurts. You will see why.)

The first journey I attempted, I was a new Christian. One of the first youth group meetings, the minister was teaching us the value of the Word. He hid $20 around the room. I found the King’s Portion in the Bible, about $8. I was excited. I began reading. Then I got to the poetry. I then skipped to the Gospels, and I got to the letters. I stopped. I was bored.

Then I went to Bible College. So I forced myself to read, even the boring stuff. I didn’t get anything out of the Bible. The professors said something about how most don’t read their Bibles, much less from cover to cover. Was it worth it?

Then there was the last trip through, which was more recently. But I had a problem, I didn’t like seeing how much more I needed to read. So I had help. I had the dramatized reading of the NIV on tape. It made the journey possible, but I didn’t get much out of it. I can say that I did it again.

Why was I hesitant? Could it be that though the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword, the presentation, or format was turning me off? For example, when I turn the page, I can see that there are 4 more columns of the chapter to read, or perhaps that I am not as far through the Bible. I once shared this with an elder. His comment was, “Steven the column print of the Bible is to ease readability.”

Now the question is, if I am not finding the Word of God readable, and listening is more entertainment than reading God’s letter to me, then how do I obtain God’s Word for my life? Can I?

A few months ago, my phone plan was eligible for a phone upgrade. My phone was falling apart, and then I saw the new Palm Centro. I researched it. I saw that it had the Palm OS system, and I had a Bible program that may work with it. So when I saw that Wal-Mart was selling the Centros for $50, I called Carol and made sure I had permission. She said that this was good, since I was carrying my PDA and my cell phone. Now I have them in one.

I loaded the Bible program on my phone. I started reading the Bible. I found myself just reading and reading. I found joy in learning. I was no longer concerned with how much is left. Having the Bible on my phone meant that as I read, I could only read about 4 verses at a time. I could not see the indicators of where I was in the book or even in the chapter. I read Psalm 119 in a single sitting. Even now, I am almost done with Isaiah, which I started less than a week ago. I must say this: “PRAISE GOD FOR THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGE!!!!”

OK so my point: I am not trying to sell you the Palm Centro, though I found it to be the best Smart Phone on the market. I am not even saying that you should get the eBible.

This is what I am saying. We need to be in the Word. It is the main way by which we can grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. But what does it take? For some, it takes finding a column Bible. For others, it may be as simple as listening to the Word. For me, a new format is working the best.

Let me encourage you. There is no wrong format for reading the Word of God, as long as it is the Full Word of God. Explore the various formats. Find the one that works for you. Allow your journey to excite you, to motivate you, to teach you. You will not regret it, and your walk with the Father will grow deeper as you spend time learning about our Savior.

Thank you for sharing my thoughts. God bless! –smh