Saturday, February 28, 2009


The day is done and I have returned. I enjoyed today. It was a pushed, but beautiful drive.

So when I arrived, I found the room. I entered. There were 9 others. I expected that. What made my heart skip was that the folders all stated: "Hospice Chaplaincy Training". There is only one opening, and here are all these people. How am I to compete? Can I compete?

Then Joel Boyd did the introductions. All of a sudden I was one of six. Then the group shrank. Apparently there were 3 volunteers. So I am feeling a bit better. My competition consisted of the Chaplain for the NAU Sports department, who also serves as Associate Minister of Christ's Church of Flagstaff, and the director of Parks and Recreation for Winslow.

Joel hinted that a couple of us would fill in for the whole, since the job is only part time for at least a year, until enough families in the Winslow Area enroll for services. Afterwards, Joel asked if I was still interested, which I am. So he gave me an application to fill out. (The other 2 men apparently had filled one out themselves.)

One item does cause me to pause. It was a release to look at my credit report. I declined, and wrote on the signature line what my credit score was, and how it faired, which is why I was looking for a job.

Now here is what else I know: the Corporation is called "Hospice Compassus". They have given the verbal OK to hire this position in Winslow. But they have not yet put it in writing. So we are waiting as much as two weeks. And Joel encouraged me, so I am looking forward to this.

So what I am now asking you is to continue to prayer for me as it comes to your mind. (Put this on a sticky note and attach it to the monitor or your Bible.) I shall keep you posted as I know more.

Again, thank you! God bless! --smh

1 comment:

The Ladybug's Soapbox said...

I'm praying for sure! :D