Saturday, February 21, 2009

What Works for You?

This is a bit of a different blog, or thought. It came to me as I was sitting and reading my Bible. I am reading it through from Genesis to Revelation. As a preacher, I must confess, this is only my 3rd journey though in my 21 years as a Christian.

Why haven’t I read the Bible through more? I would like to say that I have been so busy, I just couldn’t do it. Actually I have no reason why I haven’t. So let me go to the other question: Why have I read through twice? When did I take the first 2 journeys? (This last question hurts. You will see why.)

The first journey I attempted, I was a new Christian. One of the first youth group meetings, the minister was teaching us the value of the Word. He hid $20 around the room. I found the King’s Portion in the Bible, about $8. I was excited. I began reading. Then I got to the poetry. I then skipped to the Gospels, and I got to the letters. I stopped. I was bored.

Then I went to Bible College. So I forced myself to read, even the boring stuff. I didn’t get anything out of the Bible. The professors said something about how most don’t read their Bibles, much less from cover to cover. Was it worth it?

Then there was the last trip through, which was more recently. But I had a problem, I didn’t like seeing how much more I needed to read. So I had help. I had the dramatized reading of the NIV on tape. It made the journey possible, but I didn’t get much out of it. I can say that I did it again.

Why was I hesitant? Could it be that though the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword, the presentation, or format was turning me off? For example, when I turn the page, I can see that there are 4 more columns of the chapter to read, or perhaps that I am not as far through the Bible. I once shared this with an elder. His comment was, “Steven the column print of the Bible is to ease readability.”

Now the question is, if I am not finding the Word of God readable, and listening is more entertainment than reading God’s letter to me, then how do I obtain God’s Word for my life? Can I?

A few months ago, my phone plan was eligible for a phone upgrade. My phone was falling apart, and then I saw the new Palm Centro. I researched it. I saw that it had the Palm OS system, and I had a Bible program that may work with it. So when I saw that Wal-Mart was selling the Centros for $50, I called Carol and made sure I had permission. She said that this was good, since I was carrying my PDA and my cell phone. Now I have them in one.

I loaded the Bible program on my phone. I started reading the Bible. I found myself just reading and reading. I found joy in learning. I was no longer concerned with how much is left. Having the Bible on my phone meant that as I read, I could only read about 4 verses at a time. I could not see the indicators of where I was in the book or even in the chapter. I read Psalm 119 in a single sitting. Even now, I am almost done with Isaiah, which I started less than a week ago. I must say this: “PRAISE GOD FOR THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGE!!!!”

OK so my point: I am not trying to sell you the Palm Centro, though I found it to be the best Smart Phone on the market. I am not even saying that you should get the eBible.

This is what I am saying. We need to be in the Word. It is the main way by which we can grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. But what does it take? For some, it takes finding a column Bible. For others, it may be as simple as listening to the Word. For me, a new format is working the best.

Let me encourage you. There is no wrong format for reading the Word of God, as long as it is the Full Word of God. Explore the various formats. Find the one that works for you. Allow your journey to excite you, to motivate you, to teach you. You will not regret it, and your walk with the Father will grow deeper as you spend time learning about our Savior.

Thank you for sharing my thoughts. God bless! –smh

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