Friday, February 27, 2009

The Hospice Interview

Here I am, sitting on a Friday night eagerly watching the clock, should be getting ready for bed. The morrow holds anticipation, as well as a bit of apprehension and anxiety. But thankfully we serve a loving Father who holds the morrow. In a wee over 9 hours I shall be waking, washing and then traveling down to Sedona, AZ for a Hospice training.

Now of course I asked if attending the training meant that I was being offered the position. The chief chaplain said, "no". He went on to explain that this is part of the interview process. They during the course of the training session may decide that I would not be a good fit. Then again, perhaps I may find that THEY are not a good fit for me.

So when do I find out if I become the Winslow chaplain? I am not sure. He was a bit vague when I tried to get an idea. I do feel good about it overall. I am trusting that God will direct us together. But of course, if He does not intend for me to be here, then I am sure there is another, greater opportunity laying ahead.

I ask you, my friends and brethren to pray about this situation. Join us in our petition. I greatly appreciate it. When I know more, I shall post it. Thank you all.

In God's Love --smh

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