Thursday, August 20, 2009

Politicians & Guns in Arizona

I write this note as I am finishing my day. I had a great day. Today was the monthly meeting of Republican PCs for Navajo County. I had a great conversation with a kindred mind to and fro the meeting. We talked about many things both church and state. But that is for another post.

During the meeting, as it is recess for the State Legislation, Senator Sylvia Allen was able to attend. She is a politician that one wants to trust. She is endearing. She listens to critics. She welcomes praise. But she is gutsy as well. She is typical ARIZONA!!

Arizona has been getting some bad rap. Sure a man from Glendale, or was it Scottsdale, moved to New Hampshire. He took his gun, (remember Amendment 2) to the presidential rally. People were alarmed. He has ties to the likes of Timothy McVeigh! (His ties is that he lived in Arizona. Timothy lived in Arizona. Let's therefore turn Arizona into a prison state, for we are all guilty of being associated with T McV!!)

So back to the meeting. Fund raisers are coming up. People were wondering about the events that would help raise funds so that we can get the word out, inform the masses. It looked like the BBQ would be $50 neighborhood per person, maybe couple. This preacher would not be attending. Senator Allen is nominated to the chair of the fund-raising committee for an evening. BBQ now has price tag of 25 per couple. Now we are talking. This is for October 17, at Tenney Ranch. I am not sure where this is. But I shall learn before then. We are going, provided that I am not obligated to be somewhere else for work.

The day, 10/17, is even better than that. Prior to the BBQ, which will bring in funds from the dessert auction, will be preceded by Senator Allen's fund raiser. Same place. She calls it the Shoot Out with Senator Allen. Now how brave is that?!

Yeah, Folks! She is going to allow herself to be in the same location as her Constituents packing heat. She is doing such a bang up job down in Phoenix that she is secure in her approval to allow such an event. She did this last year too. (And yes I can shoot off the puns all day long!) When I asked her about it, she said "I am a pretty dangerous shot with my .357!" (Since I can't hit the broad side of a barn with my .38 S & W, she is allowing me to bring my Marlin .22 Long Rifle! She is sweet!)

Only such bravada and confidence, and love for her state and her people... Only in Arizona do we have the likes that are willing to take such risks. First there was Barry Goldwater. Then there was Sheriff Mack of Graham County and Sheriff Joe of Maricopa County. Now there is Senator Sylvia Allen of Northern Arizona. (Too bad I can't put McCain or Governor Jan on this list.)

Point is, not ALL politicians are afraid of guns. After all, GUNS DON'T KILL people... Doctors DO! (Oh wait! That's a reference to another Email. Cyd can get you the information. Maybe even Joan or Tom.)

This is why I am proud to be a son of the Great State of Arizona! Thanks for reading. Have a blessed and awesome day in the Lord!

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