Friday, October 30, 2009

Observations about Yuma

I am looking forward to celebrating the Anniversary of my high school, Kofa. (This comes from the largest copper mine in Arizona, of which the owner called, The King Of Arizona, or KofA, Kofa.) Go Kings!!

So as I hit the county line, I saw as I was heading west bound on I-8, the "Border Check" on the east bound lane. Seems that this temporary camp is still temporary with the tents and all, but it seems now 4 times bigger than just 18 months ago. Or am I imagining this? It shall be fun traveling through it on Monday.

Now I have crested Telegraph Pass. Then I see it just before the 32nd street exit. My FOURTH PHOTO RADAR! This time, the cameras flashed! Who will get this ticket? I was driving one of 4 black SUVs, I kid you not. Our top speed at the time of the flash? 63 in a 65 zone. Hmmm were we tailgating?

I am not liking these 2 observations. What is next? Oh, for the record, I will fight any ticket I may receive.

God bless! --smh
(This is a rant. There is no spiritual lesson. Sorry.)

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