Saturday, February 28, 2009


The day is done and I have returned. I enjoyed today. It was a pushed, but beautiful drive.

So when I arrived, I found the room. I entered. There were 9 others. I expected that. What made my heart skip was that the folders all stated: "Hospice Chaplaincy Training". There is only one opening, and here are all these people. How am I to compete? Can I compete?

Then Joel Boyd did the introductions. All of a sudden I was one of six. Then the group shrank. Apparently there were 3 volunteers. So I am feeling a bit better. My competition consisted of the Chaplain for the NAU Sports department, who also serves as Associate Minister of Christ's Church of Flagstaff, and the director of Parks and Recreation for Winslow.

Joel hinted that a couple of us would fill in for the whole, since the job is only part time for at least a year, until enough families in the Winslow Area enroll for services. Afterwards, Joel asked if I was still interested, which I am. So he gave me an application to fill out. (The other 2 men apparently had filled one out themselves.)

One item does cause me to pause. It was a release to look at my credit report. I declined, and wrote on the signature line what my credit score was, and how it faired, which is why I was looking for a job.

Now here is what else I know: the Corporation is called "Hospice Compassus". They have given the verbal OK to hire this position in Winslow. But they have not yet put it in writing. So we are waiting as much as two weeks. And Joel encouraged me, so I am looking forward to this.

So what I am now asking you is to continue to prayer for me as it comes to your mind. (Put this on a sticky note and attach it to the monitor or your Bible.) I shall keep you posted as I know more.

Again, thank you! God bless! --smh

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Hospice Interview

Here I am, sitting on a Friday night eagerly watching the clock, should be getting ready for bed. The morrow holds anticipation, as well as a bit of apprehension and anxiety. But thankfully we serve a loving Father who holds the morrow. In a wee over 9 hours I shall be waking, washing and then traveling down to Sedona, AZ for a Hospice training.

Now of course I asked if attending the training meant that I was being offered the position. The chief chaplain said, "no". He went on to explain that this is part of the interview process. They during the course of the training session may decide that I would not be a good fit. Then again, perhaps I may find that THEY are not a good fit for me.

So when do I find out if I become the Winslow chaplain? I am not sure. He was a bit vague when I tried to get an idea. I do feel good about it overall. I am trusting that God will direct us together. But of course, if He does not intend for me to be here, then I am sure there is another, greater opportunity laying ahead.

I ask you, my friends and brethren to pray about this situation. Join us in our petition. I greatly appreciate it. When I know more, I shall post it. Thank you all.

In God's Love --smh

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What Works for You?

This is a bit of a different blog, or thought. It came to me as I was sitting and reading my Bible. I am reading it through from Genesis to Revelation. As a preacher, I must confess, this is only my 3rd journey though in my 21 years as a Christian.

Why haven’t I read the Bible through more? I would like to say that I have been so busy, I just couldn’t do it. Actually I have no reason why I haven’t. So let me go to the other question: Why have I read through twice? When did I take the first 2 journeys? (This last question hurts. You will see why.)

The first journey I attempted, I was a new Christian. One of the first youth group meetings, the minister was teaching us the value of the Word. He hid $20 around the room. I found the King’s Portion in the Bible, about $8. I was excited. I began reading. Then I got to the poetry. I then skipped to the Gospels, and I got to the letters. I stopped. I was bored.

Then I went to Bible College. So I forced myself to read, even the boring stuff. I didn’t get anything out of the Bible. The professors said something about how most don’t read their Bibles, much less from cover to cover. Was it worth it?

Then there was the last trip through, which was more recently. But I had a problem, I didn’t like seeing how much more I needed to read. So I had help. I had the dramatized reading of the NIV on tape. It made the journey possible, but I didn’t get much out of it. I can say that I did it again.

Why was I hesitant? Could it be that though the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword, the presentation, or format was turning me off? For example, when I turn the page, I can see that there are 4 more columns of the chapter to read, or perhaps that I am not as far through the Bible. I once shared this with an elder. His comment was, “Steven the column print of the Bible is to ease readability.”

Now the question is, if I am not finding the Word of God readable, and listening is more entertainment than reading God’s letter to me, then how do I obtain God’s Word for my life? Can I?

A few months ago, my phone plan was eligible for a phone upgrade. My phone was falling apart, and then I saw the new Palm Centro. I researched it. I saw that it had the Palm OS system, and I had a Bible program that may work with it. So when I saw that Wal-Mart was selling the Centros for $50, I called Carol and made sure I had permission. She said that this was good, since I was carrying my PDA and my cell phone. Now I have them in one.

I loaded the Bible program on my phone. I started reading the Bible. I found myself just reading and reading. I found joy in learning. I was no longer concerned with how much is left. Having the Bible on my phone meant that as I read, I could only read about 4 verses at a time. I could not see the indicators of where I was in the book or even in the chapter. I read Psalm 119 in a single sitting. Even now, I am almost done with Isaiah, which I started less than a week ago. I must say this: “PRAISE GOD FOR THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGE!!!!”

OK so my point: I am not trying to sell you the Palm Centro, though I found it to be the best Smart Phone on the market. I am not even saying that you should get the eBible.

This is what I am saying. We need to be in the Word. It is the main way by which we can grow in the knowledge of Christ Jesus. But what does it take? For some, it takes finding a column Bible. For others, it may be as simple as listening to the Word. For me, a new format is working the best.

Let me encourage you. There is no wrong format for reading the Word of God, as long as it is the Full Word of God. Explore the various formats. Find the one that works for you. Allow your journey to excite you, to motivate you, to teach you. You will not regret it, and your walk with the Father will grow deeper as you spend time learning about our Savior.

Thank you for sharing my thoughts. God bless! –smh

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Restricted Items

Wow! I went to Walmart today, which of itself is not shocking being in a town where one either shops at Wally World, or doesn't. But prior to going, I received in the mail coupons for Huggies products. They had a picture of Night Time Pull - Ups, diapers and cruisers. Shea needed regular training pants, which was not pictured. So I was informed by Wal-Mart that I am not able to use the coupon.

OK so it wasn't pictured so I guess I can deal with the makers of Huggies directly. So my total remained unchanged and I started to pay. No card of any sort. Just my handful of cash. I put in the first 5 dollar bill and get an error message "Authorization Needed: Restricted Items".

I read that again? I asked aloud where I was? Communist China? When did US Currency become invalid tender? All these thoughts ran through my head. Took Wal Mart management 10 minutes for my $5 credit to be applied. Wouldn't you know it, I would not let them take my money.

What an adventure. I guess this is a fore runner to what lies ahead. Cash NOT accepted here. God bless! Keep the faith. --smh

Ancient Communication

In Honor of my Irish Kin, here is today's chuckle. Thanks, Pastor Tim of

After having dug to a depth of 10 meters last year, Scottish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the Scots, in the weeks that followed, English scientists dug to a depth of 20 meters, and shortly after, headlines in the English newspapers read: "English archaeologists have found traces of 200-year-old copper wire and have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than the Scots."

One week later, "The Kerrymen," a southwest Irish newsletter, reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 meters in peat bog near Tralee, Paddy O'Droll, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Paddy has therefore concluded that 300 years ago, Ireland had already gone wireless."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Religious Objects

A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment. Each student was instructed to bring in an object to share with the class that represented their religion.

The first student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish and this is a Star of David."

The second student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm a Catholic and this is a Rosary."

The third student got in up front of the class and said, "My name is Tommy. I am a Baptist and this is a casserole.

Steven's Note...Thanks Pastor Tim for today's humor!! Check out for more clean humor. :-)