Friday, April 09, 2010

What about the Word?

"We can all quote scripture, but..."

Think about that phrase. Words mean something. Dr. Gershwin, my psychology professor, followed by my English professor, Brother Rex Wolf, taught us that when you say something and then follow it by "but" everything preceding that word is negated.

For example, "I believe that Jesus is the only way, but each person needs to find their own way." What you just ended up saying is that you do not really believe that Jesus is the only way.

So what has started this hobby horse of mine? I tend to prefer "News and Views with Dr. Larry and Chuck Bates". I would even listen to this show over Rush Limbaugh. Today, however I am now listening to Rush. Why?

The hosts, the Bates, had a problem accepting the Word. We need to unite around Christ. Yet how do we unite around Christ? They said that God never changes. They quoted the Scripture for that statement, but shut down others who tried to quote the Scripture for their point of view.

I learned in rules of discussion you cannot argue experience. I therefore won't. But the question is, where do we derive our authority as believers? From experience or from the Word? Does God prefer to give us experience over the Word?

When we start looking away from the Word, we can become quickly in danger of accepting dangerous doctrines, and embrace false teachers. What happened to the Word? Experience trumps His Holy Word, really?!

Thanks for sharing with me from the trail...

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