Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cold, Hard Cash

COLD, HARD CASH! Here is the latest financial secret. It is so simple that my boys, both under the age of 10 understand it. In fact, they turned me onto this. You literally can make cold, hard cash with an investment as little as .10. That is TEN CENTS!!!! This plan is so secure, yielding 100% return, with ZERO RISK.

COLD, HARD CASH!! I believe in this plan so much that I am willing to set my reputation as a preacher of the Word of God behind it. I believe this plan is so solid that I am GIVING you this plan for FREE!!!! That is right. I am not charging a single penny, nickel, dime or any other form of currency. Nothing. This is free.

COLD, HARD CASH!!! I believe that this plan will work for you the MOMENT you try it. That is right! This plan is so solid that within the same hour you will realize your return. You have never seen a plan like this before. I doubt you will see a plan like this again.

COLD, HARD CASH!!!! Are you ready for COLD, HARD CASH? I know! You are saying, "Steve, you have us on the hook. Tell us already!" I just want to be sure that you are indeed ready for this financial secret.

COLD, HARD CASH!!! OK I know enough. Before you read further, it is said that sometimes in the mouths of babes come the wisdom of the deep. God said, whoever has faith like a child shall enter the kingdom. Anyway that is a side point. Point is, my child, the Rooser, showed me this secret. IT is solid. It is sound. I said that, didn't I?

OK. The secret. Read the opening paragraph literally. Read it QUITE LITERALLY. The fastest way to make cold hard cash with as little as ten cents is to place the dime into the refrigerator. Within 10 minutes or quicker if you use the freezer, you will have indeed, COLD, HARD CASH!

For those who will argue, yes the penny has less value than a dime, but literally " little as 10 cents...", a dime is the smallest coin one could use, in USA Currency, to make cold cash. Some might argue cash is paper. True, to a point. Cash is any reference to actual money, whether woven paper or pressed metallic disks, instead of credit or checks. I said HARD. Paper is not hard. And the 100% return? Yes, if you put in a dime and then pull out a dime, you got 100% return. If you put in 10 cents and expected a return of 20 cents, then that would be a 200% return.

I suspect that you are groaning. Anyone who remembers me from college will be able to testify of my love of committing pranks. My dorm dad, Bill Lange, used to say, "Brother Steve, you are the only one I know who can enter a room with 10 people, and 12 start itching to prank you."

Thank you everyone who has allowed me to play this prank on you. Now you know the rest of the story behind COLD, HARD CASH. And yet there is more. As I developed this web-prank, I realized that there is also a lesson in here.

Now I hope you took this tongue in cheek. I hope it brought a good laugh to those who appreciate real life puns. Yet in this time of economic hardships, it is easy to fall prey to the trappings of fast money, easy money. Who hasn't been tempted or even pursued the idea of making a lot of something for very little.

Yet God's Word gives us an encouragement as well as warnings for money. In Proverbs 13.11, God says, "Money that comes easily disappears quickly, but money that is gathered little by little will grow." (New Century Version)

The point here is that it comes down to: "Who do you trust?" Do you trust in money to see you through these hard times, or do you trust God? From an economic observer's point, the way this country is generating money with the copier and then shoveling out the doors, trusting in the money is like building a house on the sand. Not very bright.

Don't mishear me. Money is fine. God does bless some with money. It is how we use it that makes the difference. Are you trying to make more to have more. Or is it a tool to use?

Jesus met with a rich young ruler who was wanting to be justified righteous before God. Jesus told him to give his wealth to the poor and trust God. But the man went away sad because he realized that he loved his money more than God. His money was his god. (Matthew 19.16ff)

Then in the Book of Acts, we have another rich man. His name is Joseph of Cyprus. He had some land, he sold it. He then used the money to help his brothers and sisters in the faith to survive the economic hard times the early Church was facing in Jerusalem. Through his love of God, he was motivated to use his money as a tool that directly helped in the spreading of God's Word. (Acts 4.36, 37)

Again, my apologies for the prank, and my heart-felt gratitude for allowing me the prank. But if you did get mad, even a little bit... perhaps you need to ask the question, "Who do you trust?" God would like for us to trust in Him. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. (Heb 12.2)

Thanks again for sharing with me from the trail... smh

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