Thursday, November 04, 2010


Two things have happened yesterday. Well perhaps on Tuesday with another yesterday. To start, Tuesday I woke to a phone call from the Lima, IL church. And then I started a new habit, holding office hours. Why is the latter noteworthy?

Office hours are the time that a minister is accessible to those who need to talk to him. It is place that is warm and inviting. It is also a time that allows for him to have a place that is quiet so that he can focus on his study, prayer and preparation.

Since I’ve stopped serving a church back in July, I have had no place to go. I would spend time at home. I passed my brother in short order on a game he had been playing online for a while before talking me into joining him. And though my creative juices were flowing again, they were still stymied even sitting at the huge desk in the middle of my living room. I needed to get out of the house, away from reminders of stressors that are ever present. AND NO! I am not referring to my family, but things like electricity, internet, etc.

(And to be honest here… The only sermon I have finished is the sermon I preached to the church in Minnesota. I really need to finish a bit more sermon outlines, at least. But I do have 7 series planned for the next 2 years.)

Now the question is where to hold my office hours. If you are a friend/connected to me on facebook, then you already know that the Winslow Public Library is my new office home. It makes sense. Libraries are usually quiet, and are designed for conducive study and even prayer, especially since the Library here was once home to the local Methodist church before they moved near the hospital.

Being at the Library and making it public, however, are two totally different items. Being that it’s a function of the City of Winslow, letting a minister to make it his base of operation can create unique problems. I was going to keep it on the down low. Then the fine folks there told me I could share that I am there. (I guess if people are coming to see me, then they are coming into the Library which means more patrons, which means more people of the community are served. It’s a win-win.) But the bottom line is that this was an answered prayer.

Now the Lima church is interesting. They called me to let me know that I am one of three finalists, and that on Saturday, they want to call all of us, one at a time, of course. I know that I am not the top of this list because of an answer I gave them to an unfair question. They wanted to know what I expected for a salary. I’m not going to answer here other than to say it’s unfair because Cost of Living varies significantly within the state, much less between regions of the country. My answer was based on Winslow AZ COL.

If you have not been able to follow my search journey from the beginning, this is not the first time I have made the trinity of candidates for a church. I have been in this trinity of candidates with Booker, Texas and perhaps even Forrest Lake, Minnesota. This is my transition to what happened yesterday.

I took the advice of a friend and called Booker yesterday. You see, the church called me nearly two weeks ago come Sunday. I was in the trinity. The elder revealed that the Board had just met and that I was the first to be called to check to see if I was still available. The plan was to get with the Board to see when they can all get together to meet so they can have final interview calls with us, all on one night, again. Then they would invite one of us for a visit and a yes/no vote. The elder assured me that it would be Tuesday or Wednesday when he would call and firm up the appointment time, anywhere between Thursday and Election Day. He then assured me that the Board believed that God has already led them to the right man of God with the trinity of candidates.

Well the day after the election and I have not heard from the church. Let me back up. When I was given the information, I began praying and asking several of you to pray with me that the other two candidates would have been blessed with more fruitful searches than I have. If I was the sole candidate, then surely they would continue with the final interview, and then invite us up for that visit and vote.

So I called. The prayers were indeed answered. Both gentlemen were already in their new congregations. I was sole. So the board decided to wait I believe to their next meeting this coming Sunday to discuss their options.

What are those options? They may consider me along with #4 & 5 on their list of recommendation. Or they may just consider me. So now my prayer is that of the top 10 gentlemen on their list, 9 of them have been blessed with new ministries already.

Now in this, I can see their point of view. They wanted to perhaps discuss the strengths of each candidate, perhaps not too different from when the Apostles selected Matthias to replace Judas. (Of course, I am only conjecturing as to how that process played out.) Yet instead of having such an opportunity, God had narrowed the field for them in a way they were not looking for, and therefore not expecting.

When God taps you on the shoulder when you least expect, asking you to do something you never imagined, sure that can be chaotic to the mind to comprehend. It is what I have been going through lately. I feel for these leaders of the church. I certainly don’t envy them having to prayerfully decide which pastor would serve them best.

I suspect the play is something like this: “God, we are going to lay these 3 men before you. Guide us to the one You have selected to serve us.” Then Brother Bob is tasked with checking if we are all still looking. Bob now has to tell the rest, “Brothers, we don’t have 3 men to lay before the Lord. We have one. What shall we do? Add the next two on the list?”

One of my friends asked me if I shared my prayer with the elder. I didn’t feel that it was the time. Perhaps they will need to see God’s hand apart from my pointing it out to them. As for me, what I am sensing is that God is telling me to wait, and to watch. From the prayers answered in the movements I have seen this last couple of weeks, it is nothing compared to what is coming. God is preparing both the church and me so that together, His name will be honored and we will be drawn even closer to each other.

So I am praying for God to shower them clarity and with His peace. And now I am asking the Father to have also blessed the rest of the list. I am also asking all of you to pray with me on this account. Pray that the Elders receive the clarity of God having already answered their prayer. Pray that all of other top candidates have had successful searches for their ministries. And pray for us to feel His peace.

To God be the glory, may His love flow through you, and thanks for sharing with me.

From the trail ==smh

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Saturday Night Spent

I bet you didn't know that I like to spend my Saturday nights perusing YouTube videos for an inspirational video. Since I am currently driving to church, I am trying to break that habit. To help I have compiled a list of videos that I want to use so that in 3 minutes or less, I can post the new video and have my late evening dedicated for something else, such as getting ready for church the next morning, since its a bit of a drive. (Out here in Rural Arizona, seems everything is a bit of a drive.)

So how is that going? Are you reading this? Sure I have the videos lined up for the next month. So instead of doing what I need to get ready for the day ahead, I am instead writing to you about what I had planned to be doing. (OK, I'm lost at the moment. Can you tell me what I just meant? Thanks. If not, don't worry. Apparently you are in great company.)

Oh yes, now I remember where I was going with this.

What has inspired this posting? Currently, as you all are aware, I am in the process of finding a new church. I have lines out there, much like a modern fisherman fishes from his boat, oar ready to knock the poles from sight should the Arizona Game & Fish Warden come along. (Apparently each fisherman is allowed the use of only one pole, something about an Arizona statute.) Some of the lines have had bites. Some have had nibbles. And some of the lines have had no bites at all, leaving me to wonder if I baited the hook, attached the resume to the email?

OK I'm talking about fishing which is something I supposedly do not like to do, that is fish. Not the point at all, but there you have it. What is the point?

Of the lines that have had bites or nibbles,(no, really, I am transitioning off of fishing in about 10 words.) Of those, the question of music style in worship comes up frequently. (So it was 12 words. I was close.)

My answer is a pat answer. I give it to everyone who asks: "I love a broad range of music. That said there are modern worship songs that I enjoy and there are some I would gladly discard. There are plenty of old Gospel songs that I could as easily discard, but plenty of hymns I do like. The question is not what style of music is needed to help a meeting, but what attitude is brought to the meeting that makes, or breaks the music." I do stand by that answer.

So as I am sitting here looking over list of songs that come to mind, and then seeking videos out for them, seeing which I like, making notes for future usage, I began to think. (Insert joke here. This opening was left with you in mind.)

I realized that though I do appreciate music across the spectrum (however screaming and noise does not music make), most of my Sunday inspirational videos will be of the "Old Time Gospel" genre, or perhaps older Christian pop music, with some exceptions, such as couple of months ago when I posted "The Revelation Song" by Philips, Craig and Dean.

There is just something that appeals to me with the old hymnals. Perhaps it is keeping with my embraced simple style and approach to preaching the Word. It seems to fit me.

Now what is the lesson here? Nothing, really. I just wanted you to know a little about the way I decide videos and what appeals to me. I will also be focusing on a more traditional worship style church to serve. (I love the preaching at Christ's Church of Flagstaff. The Music aspect leaves me wanting.)

Though I am not opposed to the more modern music such as Third Day, Newsboys or the W's, I will leave those posts for my lovely bride to make. Thanks for sharing with me from the trail. --smh

Friday, June 25, 2010

Diclose Act HR 5175

An Email from yesterday I thought I would pass along...

June 24, 2010

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Earlier today, the House of Representatives shredded the First Amendment by voting 219-206 to pass H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act.

View the roll call here.

As hard as it is to believe, they made the bill (which should really be called the Establishment Protection Act) even worse in the hours leading up to the vote by including more provisions to benefit their Big Labor pals and to obtain further details on those opposed to their powergrabs.

Thanks to the actions of Campaign for Liberty members and other freedom-minded activists across the country, the vote on H.R. 5175 came down to the wire and was much closer than expected. Your pressure reminded them that we are serious about holding our elected officials accountable for their actions.

Matter of fact, your calls made such an impact that Campaign for Liberty was even mentioned on the House floor during the debate!

This vote is by no means the end of the fight, and the battle to protect Americans’ right to free speech and to keep the federal government from gathering even more information about us now moves on to the Senate, where the bill faces many challenges.

There are several steps you can take to ensure the Establishment Protection Act is decisively defeated in the Senate.

First, contact your senators right away and make sure they know we have not given up on this critical issue. Click here to find their contact information and urge them to oppose H.R. 5175 and all other attempts to curb free speech.

Next, call the NRA headquarters at 1-800-672-3888 and their Legislative Action group at 1-800-392-8683 and tell them to drop their compromise and actively oppose H.R. 5175.

Without their special deal with House leaders, DISCLOSE may have been stopped in its tracks before ever reaching the House floor in the first place.

Finally, please forward this email to your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers so we can spread the message about the threat posed by the Establishment Protection Act.

Campaign for Liberty has enjoyed more success than the statists ever imagined possible, and they would love nothing more than to shut us down by going after our donors.

Let’s show them that the Freedom movement will never back down.

In Liberty,

John Tate


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

El Torito and Chili Peppers

For my Yuman friends, you know that last October, I did a first. Almost 40 years old, I finally step foot inside a store that has been quite within walking distance of the high school, back in the days that students were allowed to leave for lunch, or stay for lunch. I walked into Chili Peppers. I had my standard bean and cheese burrito. It was half the size of the burrito that I am used to eating at El Charo over on 8th Street. It was 1/3 the price, so that made it really good.

Then I sat down at my seat. Carol was watching me to see what my reaction would be. Any and every time that we go out and try a Mexican food place, I was in direct comparison to El Charo. This was true even for the summer I spent in the heart of Mexico. (No, I didn’t think the food of El Charo was better than the food I was eating at the roadside taco stand. It was different. I easily downed a dozen tacos in a single sitting. They were tiny, but delicious.) So I took a taste. The burrito tasted identical to that of El Charo. I was jazzed. I was perplexed. I wondered why I hadn’t tried it sooner. Tricia, Sandra, Tracey, and Robert all chided me, and welcomed me to the new addiction. Sorry you 4, we are taking a turn up ahead. Keep reading. I would leave from that Yuma trip with 2 dozen burritos. I was hooked.

When I was talking about going there prior to my epiphany, dad was telling me that yeah, Chili Peppers, Mr. G’s and El Charo were all the same family. He keeps their books. Why wasn’t I told this sooner? I never missed an opportunity to collect Chili Peppers when I can. But more than the burritos I am an even larger fan of my staple by which I judge a Mexican eatery. I love the TAMALE! This is a perfect handy food, unless you like it swimming in the red tamale sauce, which I can go either way.

I have been in some “authentic” Mexican eateries across Southern New Mexico, and I have ordered the tamales. 99% of the time they were either Hormel’s or some other company who would think wrapping the tamale in paper is as good as wrapping them in corn husks. (Here’s a hint, I bought many cans of tamales to get me through Sunday’s lack of food service at the college. I can spot canned tamales.)

Now since Mexican food is probably my favorite, I am always looking for the best I can find. And here is where my upbringing comes into conflict. If you look at a map of Mexico, you will see that the state below Arizona is Sonora. The state below El Paso and New Mexico is Chihuahua. Does this make a difference? You better believe it does. It’s like comparing the deep fried food of Kentucky with that of the Creole food of Louisiana. It’s a world of difference, yet both are American foods.

Unfortunately, Winslow has had Chihuahuan food. I wanted Sonoran food. Then one did open up near a truck stop. The food was decent, except the beans and rice. Beans tasted canned. Rice was soupy. Then someone in passing told me that the old El Torito was open under new management. (Now last time I went, the windows were grimy brown, almost opaque. And it had been 4 years.) So being under new management, I told Carol and she agreed, we needed to try it.

OK, you 4, here is where you are not going to like what I have to say: I BROKE MY CHILI PEPPER/EL CHARO ADDICTION!!! I love El Torito. And as always, I am going to ask about a change in venue, a change in menu to the Ministerial Association as well. Just once, really.

Now the important part: Where is El Torito? El Torito is on Central in Coopertown. Yes this is one of the burbs just south of the tracks in Winslow. As you are entering into Coopertown, you will see a small lot to the right side of the road, just before the church on the leftside, not more than a dozen cars can park here. Beyond that, across the little road is the building of El Torito. It looks like it used to be a house. But the important part is that it’s clean, and the food is great. Veronica is a local gal who used to manage Days Inn. Now she is using her gift of cooking to bless others.

Check this place out. If you are a true fan of Sonoran style food, El Torito is the best. If you want to know what Sonoran food is, then El Torito is the best place to learn. If you like home-made tamales, El Torito is the place for you to eat. You like bean and cheese burritos, or red or green enchiladas with chicken, shredded beef or even ground beef, the El Torito is the place. And of all the Mexican eateries in Navajo county, El Torito has the best food, including the beans and rice.

Eat El Torito. Became a fan of El Torito’s page.

And thanks for sharing with me from the trail. -- smh

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Marine Funny

One sunny day in late January 2013 an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Obama."

The Marine looked at the man and said, "Sir, Mr. Obama is no longer president and no longer resides here."

The old man said, "Okay," and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Obama."

The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Obama is no longer president and no longer resides here."

The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.

The third day, the same man once again approached the White House and spoke to the same U.S. Marine, saying, "I would like to go in and meet with President Obama."

The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have come here asking to speak to Mr. Obama. I've told you already that Mr. Obama is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don't you understand?"

The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it."

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow, sir."

Friday, May 14, 2010

Trusting God

There comes a time when a person who espouses certain points of view will have the opportunity to live his words, or be shown a blow wind. In the past, I have stated my objection to the health care program. No, you didn’t miss the blog. My objections were raised in person.

Since many of you, my readers, were not present to hear them, let me repeat the objection: the government is doing the job of the Church. People are turning to the government instead of turning to God. And the Church is OK with this! (How sick is that?!)

Now the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, or Public Access is in trouble, and is being abused by people who should not be on it. I know, for I was on it, myself and my family.

It was shameful really. I was paid little enough that the State could take care of my family and I. It was shameful that another area preacher was told that our comparable pay will allow him, too, to qualify for Public Assistance. So when I was allowed to find extra employment, I was grateful to be off the public dole. (Working as I did for the State, I was still on the public dole. You don’t need to point this out to me.)

Then I was dismissed from my extra employment. And I was forced back onto the public dole. It helped in that my medication was cheaper. My tests were cheaper. My exams were cheaper. But I was a good leech. I didn’t see the doctor for just any ole thing. It had to be real, like cellulitis, or broken leg, or lots and lots of blood and pain before anyone in the family went to see the ER.

We were due for renewal back in February of this year. I was already bothered by the finer oversight into my financial solvency. So when it looked like we were going to be moving to another state entirely, we let ourselves fall off the public dole. Let me tell you, I was no longer preaching hypocrisy. Even though the move did not happen, we were still free from the micro-management of the government into our daily lives.

Then it happened. My oldest found a can of oven cleaner. It was mostly crushed, but not punctured. It was not ours, for we have a self-cleaning oven. So it either fell off the trash truck or was discarded by a neighbor.

Well my boy was curious. He took a garden tine (tool used to breaking up tough soils), and punctured the can. You bet!

His face was sprayed with the caustic cleanser. Carol called me while I was visiting with a member of the church. I knew I had to race home. I found the boy in the shower. He wasn’t sure why he was there, but the pain was starting to set in. Momma got him dressed quickly and I drove even quicker to the hospital to help minimize damage, and receive quick treatment.

By the time the hospital got him into triage, his face didn’t look burned but bruised. They wanted to do a CT scan to make sure his facial bones weren’t crushed. Being the dutiful papa that I am, I gave consent.

Now comes the lady from admittance. What insurance does he have? “Sorry, Miss. We don’t have insurance. We pay cash.”

My heart sank at this. I knew that we didn’t have the funds for this. But days before, I finished my web-prank and object lesson. You might remember it, “Cold, Hard Cash”. My conclusion was to ask you, my readers, who do you trust? Are we not supposed to trust the Father in Heaven? Absolutely!

But I was at a cross-road. For 15 minutes, I sat holding a form that would give me emergency coverage in the AHCCCS. Do I? Should I? What have I been fighting for? Then the radiology tech came into the bay to take my son for the CT scan. I went with him.

What I saw as he scanned my boy is amazing. But that is for another blog. The bottom line is that it is worth every penny that the hospital is charging me.

Oh yes. I decided when we returned to the bed in the ER Bay, I crossed off the pertinent information and then put the form in the bio-hazard trash. I understand that gets burned. At least there is no dumpster diving thru that stuff. And my boy? He just had facial burns. Praise God that nothing got into his respiratory, his ears or eyes. He is now fine.

But I remembered that lesson. Who do I trust? I am taking a step of faith once again. I am going to trust God with this medical bill. I know that He will provide through His children.

Now let me be clear. I am not asking for money from you. Nor am I saying that if you do not give to me, you are not one of God’s Children. I am stating that God will provide the funds for this. And all that He gives to me above my need, I shall pass to another family’s medical bill of recent.

Here is what I AM ASKING OF YOU: I am asking that you join me in prayer about this. I need your prayers more than anything else. I can see my parents and others close to me telling me how foolish I was to disregard the insurance, even if it is public. God will be glorified through this.

And another result will happen. God will be glorified. The critics will behold His power and wonder. And finally, a goal that I have pushed in the past and still do, will become known. That is that the Church will once again take the mantle for providing for people in need.

Did you know before the Depression, people needing help with food, rent, doctor bills, what have you, would turn to God’s Church for help? Then along came the Federal Government wanting to assist the Church in providing help to those in need.

During WWII, people turned more and more to the Fed. Within a few short years, by and large, people had stopped turning first to the Church for help.

By 1974, Arizona became the last State to develop a “Department of Economic Security”, the system was fully incorporated so that the Church was no longer needed. Fully incorporated in that all the States could now meet the needs. Today, sadly, the Church does not seem able to meet these needs.

It is high time that the Church stop allowing the Government to be the help in the times of need. It is high time that the Church resumes being ambassadors of God’s Love. For this, for my needs I ask for your prayers. And together, let’s lift up His Name, giving glory to God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Thanks for sharing with me from the trail… smh.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

National Day of Prayer Is Unconstitutional

Yup, that is correct. The Courts have deemed the National Day of Prayer is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. OK, maybe that is not really news. It has been 2 weeks since this was all over the web. And only now am I getting around to commenting on this event. Why am I so tardy?

There are a couple of reasons for my tardiness. The first is that this was so explosive 2 weeks ago; I didn't want my comments to be buried. The second reason is that the National Day of Prayer is next Thursday.

So the National Day of Prayer is ruled unconstitutional. It is interesting. The ruling did not surprise, nor upset me. When we live in a governmental system that is increasingly separating us from our Christian founding, then one should expect to see such actions. (This judge also lives in the same state that says, “Spare the rod, love the child.”)

So what should our response be to this? For one, there is an element of shock when Obama administration promises to appeal this. But then that is another blog thought, not for this one.

Let's consider the article itself. The link is from the USA Today. Here is the first: “Congress established the day in 1952 and in 1988 set the first Thursday in May as the day for presidents to issue proclamations asking Americans to pray.”

So the President is to ask for Americans to pray. Now one must ask the question, are we not praying the rest of the year? As Christians, are we not to be praying all the time? (Consider 1 Thessalonians 5.17: “Pray without ceasing.”)

There is also the part that the article suggests that the president asks the American People to pray. Yet do we need the blessings of the President, Congress or even a Judge to pray to our Heavenly Father? Of course not.

And yet, there is a lesson here. Though there are those in the society who will love to deny public recognition of our religious origins, the judge who writes against this day, calling it unconstitutional says something that is very true of Christian Prayer to our Heavenly Father. She wrote, “In fact, it is because the nature of prayer is so personal and can have such a powerful effect on a community that the government may not use its authority to try to influence an individual's decision whether and when to pray.”

I am not sure whether or not she is a Christian. But she certainly understands the power we as Christians have in prayer. How often do we say, “I wish I could do more than pray for you”? Jesus showed us the power of prayer with the fig tree in Matthew 21.

Through prayer I have seen a mountain move for a church. Through prayer I have seen a stroke victim come out unscathed. Through prayer, I have seen a holey heart turned new. I have seen hardened hearts melt. I have seen God’s hand move mightily.

Yet it took a non-Christian point of view to remind us about this lesson. And for the other question about laws against prayer? It would not be the first time a child of God was told to not pray to God, if this indeed leads to that. Consider Daniel 6. If our government does make a law that goes against the Word of the Lord Almighty, then let us follow Daniel’s example.

Thanks for sharing with me from the trail… smh

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Bible and the Cell Phone

Steven's Note: This came from an email. I have no idea who wrote this. But I liked it. I can relate to it. For those on Face book, there is a picture of the Bible vs a picture of a cell phone. I am not sure that the images will translate over to facebook. Thanks for sharing with me from the trail... smh


Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several time a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

Is this something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing: Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think, "where are my priorities?"

And no dropped calls! When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cold, Hard Cash

COLD, HARD CASH! Here is the latest financial secret. It is so simple that my boys, both under the age of 10 understand it. In fact, they turned me onto this. You literally can make cold, hard cash with an investment as little as .10. That is TEN CENTS!!!! This plan is so secure, yielding 100% return, with ZERO RISK.

COLD, HARD CASH!! I believe in this plan so much that I am willing to set my reputation as a preacher of the Word of God behind it. I believe this plan is so solid that I am GIVING you this plan for FREE!!!! That is right. I am not charging a single penny, nickel, dime or any other form of currency. Nothing. This is free.

COLD, HARD CASH!!! I believe that this plan will work for you the MOMENT you try it. That is right! This plan is so solid that within the same hour you will realize your return. You have never seen a plan like this before. I doubt you will see a plan like this again.

COLD, HARD CASH!!!! Are you ready for COLD, HARD CASH? I know! You are saying, "Steve, you have us on the hook. Tell us already!" I just want to be sure that you are indeed ready for this financial secret.

COLD, HARD CASH!!! OK I know enough. Before you read further, it is said that sometimes in the mouths of babes come the wisdom of the deep. God said, whoever has faith like a child shall enter the kingdom. Anyway that is a side point. Point is, my child, the Rooser, showed me this secret. IT is solid. It is sound. I said that, didn't I?

OK. The secret. Read the opening paragraph literally. Read it QUITE LITERALLY. The fastest way to make cold hard cash with as little as ten cents is to place the dime into the refrigerator. Within 10 minutes or quicker if you use the freezer, you will have indeed, COLD, HARD CASH!

For those who will argue, yes the penny has less value than a dime, but literally " little as 10 cents...", a dime is the smallest coin one could use, in USA Currency, to make cold cash. Some might argue cash is paper. True, to a point. Cash is any reference to actual money, whether woven paper or pressed metallic disks, instead of credit or checks. I said HARD. Paper is not hard. And the 100% return? Yes, if you put in a dime and then pull out a dime, you got 100% return. If you put in 10 cents and expected a return of 20 cents, then that would be a 200% return.

I suspect that you are groaning. Anyone who remembers me from college will be able to testify of my love of committing pranks. My dorm dad, Bill Lange, used to say, "Brother Steve, you are the only one I know who can enter a room with 10 people, and 12 start itching to prank you."

Thank you everyone who has allowed me to play this prank on you. Now you know the rest of the story behind COLD, HARD CASH. And yet there is more. As I developed this web-prank, I realized that there is also a lesson in here.

Now I hope you took this tongue in cheek. I hope it brought a good laugh to those who appreciate real life puns. Yet in this time of economic hardships, it is easy to fall prey to the trappings of fast money, easy money. Who hasn't been tempted or even pursued the idea of making a lot of something for very little.

Yet God's Word gives us an encouragement as well as warnings for money. In Proverbs 13.11, God says, "Money that comes easily disappears quickly, but money that is gathered little by little will grow." (New Century Version)

The point here is that it comes down to: "Who do you trust?" Do you trust in money to see you through these hard times, or do you trust God? From an economic observer's point, the way this country is generating money with the copier and then shoveling out the doors, trusting in the money is like building a house on the sand. Not very bright.

Don't mishear me. Money is fine. God does bless some with money. It is how we use it that makes the difference. Are you trying to make more to have more. Or is it a tool to use?

Jesus met with a rich young ruler who was wanting to be justified righteous before God. Jesus told him to give his wealth to the poor and trust God. But the man went away sad because he realized that he loved his money more than God. His money was his god. (Matthew 19.16ff)

Then in the Book of Acts, we have another rich man. His name is Joseph of Cyprus. He had some land, he sold it. He then used the money to help his brothers and sisters in the faith to survive the economic hard times the early Church was facing in Jerusalem. Through his love of God, he was motivated to use his money as a tool that directly helped in the spreading of God's Word. (Acts 4.36, 37)

Again, my apologies for the prank, and my heart-felt gratitude for allowing me the prank. But if you did get mad, even a little bit... perhaps you need to ask the question, "Who do you trust?" God would like for us to trust in Him. Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. (Heb 12.2)

Thanks again for sharing with me from the trail... smh

Friday, April 09, 2010

What about the Word?

"We can all quote scripture, but..."

Think about that phrase. Words mean something. Dr. Gershwin, my psychology professor, followed by my English professor, Brother Rex Wolf, taught us that when you say something and then follow it by "but" everything preceding that word is negated.

For example, "I believe that Jesus is the only way, but each person needs to find their own way." What you just ended up saying is that you do not really believe that Jesus is the only way.

So what has started this hobby horse of mine? I tend to prefer "News and Views with Dr. Larry and Chuck Bates". I would even listen to this show over Rush Limbaugh. Today, however I am now listening to Rush. Why?

The hosts, the Bates, had a problem accepting the Word. We need to unite around Christ. Yet how do we unite around Christ? They said that God never changes. They quoted the Scripture for that statement, but shut down others who tried to quote the Scripture for their point of view.

I learned in rules of discussion you cannot argue experience. I therefore won't. But the question is, where do we derive our authority as believers? From experience or from the Word? Does God prefer to give us experience over the Word?

When we start looking away from the Word, we can become quickly in danger of accepting dangerous doctrines, and embrace false teachers. What happened to the Word? Experience trumps His Holy Word, really?!

Thanks for sharing with me from the trail...

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Today's Humorous Thought

Dave, Fred, what do you two think about this?

There was a feud between the Pastor and the Choir Director of the Hicksville Southern Baptist Church. It seems the first hint of trouble came when the Pastor preached on "dedicating yourselves to service" and the Choir Director chose to sing: "I Shall Not Be Moved".

Trying to believe it was a coincidence; the Pastor put the incident behind him. The next Sunday he preached on "giving". Afterwards, the choir squirmed as the director led them in the hymn: "Jesus Paid It All".

By this time, the Pastor was losing his temper. Sunday morning attendance swelled as the tension between the two built. A large crowd showed up the next week to hear his sermon on "the sin of gossiping". Would you believe the Choir Director selected: "I Love To Tell the Story"?! There was no turning back.

The following Sunday the Pastor told the congregation that unless something changed he was considering resignation. The entire church gasped when the Choir Director led them in: "Why Not Tonight".

Truthfully, no one was surprised when the Pastor resigned a week later; explaining that Jesus had led him there and Jesus was leading him away. The Choir Director could not resist: "What a Friend We Have in Jesus".

Thursday, February 04, 2010

From the Fog

I was excited about this trip. And now I am sitting here in my motel room in Elk City, OK. There was a bit of a let down on this trip. One of the high lights of this trip would be a couple of stops that I wanted to make. Of course there is Vanita, OK the home of the largest McDonald's. But more than that, I was building up this cross that you can see MILES upon MILES away. Sure I told my family it was in Grover, TX. Oops. I meant Groom.

But that is ok. As we crossed the New Mexico line into Texas, a fog started settling in. Still no ice or snow, so I can deal with fog. After fueling in Amarillo, Carol is still looking for Grover, Tx outside of Amarillo. Then I saw the mileage sign. Groom, TX! That's the town's name. And the sign said we were 25 miles away. I told everyone that we should start seeing the cross soon. The fog may slow us a bit, but let's look for it.

The fog was getting heavier. Groom, next 3 exits. Great! I can't even see the field fencing along the side of the freeway, much less beyond it. I couldn't see perhaps even 30 feet in front of me. All the hype about the cross.

Yet we have a spiritual application here. Sometimes when we are looking for God, in the midst of storms and fogs of our lives, we don't see God. That does not mean God is not there. It is that we are just surrounded by the attacks of the devil, the problems of life. Yet God is still there for us who are in Christ.

So if your life is in a fog, life seems to be getting the better of you, remember what Jesus told his disciples at the the Great Commission: "Remember, I am with you always to the end of the age." (Matthew 28.20 HCS Bible)

Thanks for sharing with me from the trail!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Journey of a Decision Made

One of my favorite stories from the Old Testament has been that of Gideon. He is the Judge who, like us, was awed that God would choose him to deliver His people. He wanted to make sure that what he was called to do was indeed God’s will.

What did he do? He had a series of tests. One of which, how would his father react? Well God instructed Gideon to tear down his father’s altar to Baal and the neighboring Asherah pole and use them to build a new altar to the Lord. He did. He made the burnt offering with the 2nd bull from his father’s herd.

The next morning, the people want his head for his actions. What does Gideon’s dad say? Well if indeed Baal is a god, then let Baal deal out justice. Wow! Dad’s prize herd killed, his temple destroyed, and he still supports his son, probably because he knew his son was right in his actions. But that was a test, nevertheless.

Then of course there is the more known test of Gideon: the one of the fleece. Night one, only the wool was to be wet. The next night, all but the fleece was to be wet. Once he saw this, he knew that he was on the right path. (Personally, I would think the way God accepted the first offering would have been enough.)

So how does this deal with us today? As you know, I have been fully invested into the community of Winslow. To that, I have been struggling with what the church is forced to look at and what is needed to be done to provide for my family.

One night, I sat down with the Elders to discuss the various options and the ramifications. After much discussion and prayer, they gave me their blessing to start looking. But is this God’s will? I had to be sure.

Some have thought that perhaps to be willing to make this choice so easily after 7 years in Winslow, I might be giving up. So that element had to be part of the test. God, if you want me here, please give me three young families before my first located interview. This was my prayer since I started sending out the resumes. I shared this test with Carol and another person in the church last Friday, the 22nd. Then on that Sunday, I received 2 families. Perhaps I will not need to leave my beloved Arizona.

Then Monday came. I started the day with an hour and half phone interview with the church of Mortons Gap, Kentucky. The call ended with promise to forward my information to the pulpit committee and then have a conference call Tuesday evening once everyone had a chance to look over the church website, listen to the sermons and pray. No call on Tuesday. Hmmm.

Wednesday late morning, I got a call from Kentucky. There was no committee, and I couldn’t take the call at the moment. I asked to call back in 5 minutes as I finished with my visit. So he called back. He expressed why there was not a committee call. Instead, they wanted to know when I could come for a visit. I told him, since its short notice, I really could not see sooner than mid-February. I would call him back Thursday evening at the earliest since one of the elders is a school teacher and is hard to get on the phone.

Wouldn’t I know it, but I leave a message for the teacher at 12.00 pm. He called back at 1.30. He said next week was fine as did the other elder. I should let MGCC decide when. Wow!

So I called KY back. I told him what the elders here said. He said, then why not the first half of February? Sure. Elders then were fine with that as well. So Wednesday the 3rd, we leave for MGCC.

Now there is another facet that I must share that has been part of my prayer as well. A few years ago, someone approached me about “church without walls” which also was echoed at that point by my preaching brother in Cali. I wasn’t so sure at the time. It’s not traditional. (Odd since my trade mark is being “non-traditional”.)

Yet then as the church started discussing the problems and potential solutions for the hard time, one member came to me and brought up, “We could dump the building for whatever and give you a raise and become a church without walls.” This time the idea took hold of me. Perhaps now the congregation would be ready.

So I started praying about it. I developed a business plan, which to some, does seem contrary to faith community. But I believe having such would make it easier to see the logistics. Then I started sharing this. It didn’t go over well at all. The original family and the family that more recently approached me were the only supporters I could find. I talked to everyone in the congregation. It seems that having such a church is not for me to accomplish in Winslow, but for another. I pray God brings him to the church after I leave.

The bottom line, brothers and sisters in the Lord, my family and friends, is that the Harvey clan is leaving Winslow. God answered the prayer in short order. Last time I looked for a place to serve, it was a year before my first phone interview with any church. This time, it was 7 days from sending out the resume to a scheduled trip. Is Kentucky our next stomping grounds? I remind you that this visit is still just an interview.

Why all of this? I wrote so that everyone will know that this decision was not something of haste, but one based in prayer, seeking to follow the Lord. As for the time table? That, too, is in the Lord’s hands.