Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hey, We're OLD?!

So I sit here, reflecting upon a facebook war, if one might call it such. Robert started it. He said everyone but him was looking old. Robert, you don't look as old because you shave your head, ya cheat! Anyway, this isn't about attacking anyone, at least not in the serious form. This is about us getting older. Having a laugh.

We become painfully aware of it with tragedies. We jokingly are reminded when we see a sports star our own age have his midlife crisis in front of the cameras as he signs his "Hail Mary" contract. Dude, take a page from the book of Elway and buy an auto dealership and enjoy life. (But one must wonder what Minnesota was thinking. Isn't this where Steve Young retreated to, as well?)

Roberts comments were not the only reason this has been on my mind of late. Truth be told, we are not old. I can't be. I don't shave my head like some, and don't invest in "Just For Men" like others, but I have less gray today then at the 10 year reunion. (though, seriously I have no idea who is using. Care to confess? Oh, using JFM!)

Last month, we had our nieces from Albq visiting us for a few weeks. It's always a blast having them here with us. Well maybe not this time. My Candice said, "Uncle Steve, you're old!" Thanks lil princess. Why do I call you my "Favorite Niece" again?

That's not it alone. There is more. There is a Shell Food Mart where I enjoy the best tap Dr. Pepper around. Everyone there knows me. Everyone there really doesn't know me, I learned. One of the girls working there said, "I have been meaning to ask you: those boys that occasionally come in with you, are they your grandchildren?" OUCH!!! THAT HURT! OUCH! Still smarting over that. I went back to talk with one of the few there that I have known going on years. "Actually, we all thought that they were your grandsons." Did I say OUCH!!

So then we go off to a store in Flagstaff. Winslow is limited on where one goes to buy clothes for my SONS. Wal-mart. Fantastic selection of girls clothes. (Yeah we lack the selection for boys.) So back to the store in Flagstaff. We had someone at the register ringing up our purchase. He looked like he was 50-ish. "Sir, I must compliment you on your well behaved grandsons." Say it with me: "OUCH!!"

Being a preacher, I usually can't keep my mouth shut. I thought I would share these events with my congregation. Since the mean age of the congregation is 60, AFTER we include my family's ages, I thought I would be told, "Preacher, you don't look old." Hey, I wanted some ego boosting.

Instead, "Gramps! That is too funny!" Hey! Again, my favorite chorus of this note: (Say it with me:) OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! Seeing this 80 year old lady calling ME, "Gramps".

Thought I would get sympathy from my dad since he called to let me know he misses his grandchildren who do not live in Yuma. Nope. Not gonna happen. He had a hoot. We got to talking about the whole event. Until Kevin moved to 26th Place, my dad was the oldest dad around. Seriously, he was. I didn't want to be a senior citizen at my boys' graduations. I got married earlier. But we could not have children until ... Well I am going to be a senior citizen at my kids' graduation. Oh well.

The point of these funnies, you must ask? Aging. I don't really feel young. I don't see much differences from the pictures of the 20 year reunion from what I saw at the 10 year. I even still remember Uncle Gene's Black 40 party. He still looks the same.

Oh yeah, back on aging. I remember when I was younger. I was in college. I wonder why people make a big deal of aging. I thought, "just embrace it, move on." Now I am there, seeing myself, forcing myself to embrace the fact that I may not be as young as I used to be. (Though I can still walk a 15 minute mile, and run it in 7. And I am now 7" taller than at graduation.)

One might say, "Steven, as a preacher, you are failing to make your point." Yeah, I know. I am having fun rambling. I used to ramble too much on Sunday morning, so I have to have an outlet for it, so here we are. What was I saying?

Oh yeah, aging. I am ... Well I did have a point that I was in the process of driving the long way too. I got lost. Sorry. Enjoy this time & thanks for reading!

Gramps Steve

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Politicians & Guns in Arizona

I write this note as I am finishing my day. I had a great day. Today was the monthly meeting of Republican PCs for Navajo County. I had a great conversation with a kindred mind to and fro the meeting. We talked about many things both church and state. But that is for another post.

During the meeting, as it is recess for the State Legislation, Senator Sylvia Allen was able to attend. She is a politician that one wants to trust. She is endearing. She listens to critics. She welcomes praise. But she is gutsy as well. She is typical ARIZONA!!

Arizona has been getting some bad rap. Sure a man from Glendale, or was it Scottsdale, moved to New Hampshire. He took his gun, (remember Amendment 2) to the presidential rally. People were alarmed. He has ties to the likes of Timothy McVeigh! (His ties is that he lived in Arizona. Timothy lived in Arizona. Let's therefore turn Arizona into a prison state, for we are all guilty of being associated with T McV!!)

So back to the meeting. Fund raisers are coming up. People were wondering about the events that would help raise funds so that we can get the word out, inform the masses. It looked like the BBQ would be $50 neighborhood per person, maybe couple. This preacher would not be attending. Senator Allen is nominated to the chair of the fund-raising committee for an evening. BBQ now has price tag of 25 per couple. Now we are talking. This is for October 17, at Tenney Ranch. I am not sure where this is. But I shall learn before then. We are going, provided that I am not obligated to be somewhere else for work.

The day, 10/17, is even better than that. Prior to the BBQ, which will bring in funds from the dessert auction, will be preceded by Senator Allen's fund raiser. Same place. She calls it the Shoot Out with Senator Allen. Now how brave is that?!

Yeah, Folks! She is going to allow herself to be in the same location as her Constituents packing heat. She is doing such a bang up job down in Phoenix that she is secure in her approval to allow such an event. She did this last year too. (And yes I can shoot off the puns all day long!) When I asked her about it, she said "I am a pretty dangerous shot with my .357!" (Since I can't hit the broad side of a barn with my .38 S & W, she is allowing me to bring my Marlin .22 Long Rifle! She is sweet!)

Only such bravada and confidence, and love for her state and her people... Only in Arizona do we have the likes that are willing to take such risks. First there was Barry Goldwater. Then there was Sheriff Mack of Graham County and Sheriff Joe of Maricopa County. Now there is Senator Sylvia Allen of Northern Arizona. (Too bad I can't put McCain or Governor Jan on this list.)

Point is, not ALL politicians are afraid of guns. After all, GUNS DON'T KILL people... Doctors DO! (Oh wait! That's a reference to another Email. Cyd can get you the information. Maybe even Joan or Tom.)

This is why I am proud to be a son of the Great State of Arizona! Thanks for reading. Have a blessed and awesome day in the Lord!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Christianity and Politics

So here I sit. Pondering. I am a preacher. I am a political activist. I am thinking, wondering. As being involved in politics, and preaching, I have made some people unhappy, not the least several in my congregation. I have made some people wonder outside the church. I ponder. I wonder.

Earlier today I had a typical discussion with one of my critics. “I was reading Romans 13 yesterday. I realized that if I were to be in politics, fighting Caesar, then I would be fighting God. That is not the position I want to find myself in.” This seems to be the mantra of those who want to remain clueless, who don’t mind seeing the country they may have even fought for, changed and destroyed.

So the question is: Is being against the rules coming out of Washington DC, and actively speaking against and trying to change such laws disobeying what the Word of God says? Let’s break the passage down. “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God. So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves.” (Romans 13.1-2 - Christian Standard Bible)

The first phrase is: “everyone must submit to the governing authorities...” What does this word “submit” mean? Simply, it means to yield. Do we pay taxes? Do we buckle our seatbelts? Do we follow the laws to the best of our ability? Do we pull over when we see reds and blues flashing in our mirrors? If you answer yes, you are indeed submitting to the governing authority. Ah! Now it gets sticky. What is our governing authority? The President? The Governor? The Sheriff, the Mayor, the Constitution? Yes. Now at each time, there will be conflicts that arise. Who wins? According to the Supreme Court, 1997 Mack vs. US Government, the Sheriff is the supreme leader. The President does not have the power to influence the Sheriff in his own county. So when conflicts arise, take a look at the Constitution to see who reigns.

The second phrase is: “...for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God.” We can agree this seems cut and clear. It is a bit of a challenge to know that God has allowed and allows some less than desirable systems to be instituted. Yet, Paul wrote this as Caesar outlawed and put to death followers of Jesus.

The last phrase, which is verse 2, reads: “So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves.” The key to this phrase is the word, “resist”. Some version have rebel. Am I rebelling against the Caesar of this time and locations? Absolutely Not! Am I advocating rebellion against the Caesar of this time and location? Nope, not happening. Why, one might ask?

I am able to be a preacher and be able to be active in politics because I understand the framers of our great nation. Our system is set up differently than any system prior to it, or any that will be set up after it. Yes one may say that Rome was a Republic like our nation, but our nation was a better Republic. Our nation was a Republic that had set up a checks and balance against Caesar. It had built into the system the expectation that her citizens would be active believers who also served. Congress used to meet for a few weeks, usually winter time, for the good of the nation. (Now they take a single month vacation, for the good of the nation.)

Somewhere along the way, the government stepped in and took over most of the social care that the Church provided, as to help. Since that time, a lie was sold that said that those of Christian Faith do not belong in politics. A quesiton naturally arises. If you remove the influence of the Christian Faith, which bought & brought all our freedoms, then what can one expect to happen in the vacuum that is then created? Do we not now see this very result of the Christians saying, “It’s not our place to be involved”?

As an American Citizen, I am obligated to work for the solutions of this nation. As a Christian, I proclaim the only solution that will work. If perhaps we were in any other nation, I may not be able to reconcile politics and Faith. But praise to our Heavenly Father that we were born here in the United States. We have not only the freedom, but the duty to be involved in government and politics, first as citizens, and most importantly, as Christians. So I close with this thought. Brother, Sister, get involved. Staying out only helps those who hate us because of Christ.