Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Saturday Night Spent

I bet you didn't know that I like to spend my Saturday nights perusing YouTube videos for an inspirational video. Since I am currently driving to church, I am trying to break that habit. To help I have compiled a list of videos that I want to use so that in 3 minutes or less, I can post the new video and have my late evening dedicated for something else, such as getting ready for church the next morning, since its a bit of a drive. (Out here in Rural Arizona, seems everything is a bit of a drive.)

So how is that going? Are you reading this? Sure I have the videos lined up for the next month. So instead of doing what I need to get ready for the day ahead, I am instead writing to you about what I had planned to be doing. (OK, I'm lost at the moment. Can you tell me what I just meant? Thanks. If not, don't worry. Apparently you are in great company.)

Oh yes, now I remember where I was going with this.

What has inspired this posting? Currently, as you all are aware, I am in the process of finding a new church. I have lines out there, much like a modern fisherman fishes from his boat, oar ready to knock the poles from sight should the Arizona Game & Fish Warden come along. (Apparently each fisherman is allowed the use of only one pole, something about an Arizona statute.) Some of the lines have had bites. Some have had nibbles. And some of the lines have had no bites at all, leaving me to wonder if I baited the hook, attached the resume to the email?

OK I'm talking about fishing which is something I supposedly do not like to do, that is fish. Not the point at all, but there you have it. What is the point?

Of the lines that have had bites or nibbles,(no, really, I am transitioning off of fishing in about 10 words.) Of those, the question of music style in worship comes up frequently. (So it was 12 words. I was close.)

My answer is a pat answer. I give it to everyone who asks: "I love a broad range of music. That said there are modern worship songs that I enjoy and there are some I would gladly discard. There are plenty of old Gospel songs that I could as easily discard, but plenty of hymns I do like. The question is not what style of music is needed to help a meeting, but what attitude is brought to the meeting that makes, or breaks the music." I do stand by that answer.

So as I am sitting here looking over list of songs that come to mind, and then seeking videos out for them, seeing which I like, making notes for future usage, I began to think. (Insert joke here. This opening was left with you in mind.)

I realized that though I do appreciate music across the spectrum (however screaming and noise does not music make), most of my Sunday inspirational videos will be of the "Old Time Gospel" genre, or perhaps older Christian pop music, with some exceptions, such as couple of months ago when I posted "The Revelation Song" by Philips, Craig and Dean.

There is just something that appeals to me with the old hymnals. Perhaps it is keeping with my embraced simple style and approach to preaching the Word. It seems to fit me.

Now what is the lesson here? Nothing, really. I just wanted you to know a little about the way I decide videos and what appeals to me. I will also be focusing on a more traditional worship style church to serve. (I love the preaching at Christ's Church of Flagstaff. The Music aspect leaves me wanting.)

Though I am not opposed to the more modern music such as Third Day, Newsboys or the W's, I will leave those posts for my lovely bride to make. Thanks for sharing with me from the trail. --smh