Thursday, February 04, 2010

From the Fog

I was excited about this trip. And now I am sitting here in my motel room in Elk City, OK. There was a bit of a let down on this trip. One of the high lights of this trip would be a couple of stops that I wanted to make. Of course there is Vanita, OK the home of the largest McDonald's. But more than that, I was building up this cross that you can see MILES upon MILES away. Sure I told my family it was in Grover, TX. Oops. I meant Groom.

But that is ok. As we crossed the New Mexico line into Texas, a fog started settling in. Still no ice or snow, so I can deal with fog. After fueling in Amarillo, Carol is still looking for Grover, Tx outside of Amarillo. Then I saw the mileage sign. Groom, TX! That's the town's name. And the sign said we were 25 miles away. I told everyone that we should start seeing the cross soon. The fog may slow us a bit, but let's look for it.

The fog was getting heavier. Groom, next 3 exits. Great! I can't even see the field fencing along the side of the freeway, much less beyond it. I couldn't see perhaps even 30 feet in front of me. All the hype about the cross.

Yet we have a spiritual application here. Sometimes when we are looking for God, in the midst of storms and fogs of our lives, we don't see God. That does not mean God is not there. It is that we are just surrounded by the attacks of the devil, the problems of life. Yet God is still there for us who are in Christ.

So if your life is in a fog, life seems to be getting the better of you, remember what Jesus told his disciples at the the Great Commission: "Remember, I am with you always to the end of the age." (Matthew 28.20 HCS Bible)

Thanks for sharing with me from the trail!