Friday, April 17, 2009

"Pastor attacked by Obama's Goons"

Wow! I just heard about the craze. A Pastor going through a border check station was "assaulted" by the Border Patrol. Now that sounds outrageous. I was initially enraged because what I had been saying was going to happen was happening.

After those thoughts, I started to ask the questions, "Why did the Law Officers do this? What did he do to have this happen?" These are important questions to ask. Before making a judgment, one must ask these questions and others to get the context of the situation.

Then I saw the video. Well let's be honest, I stopped listening after two minutes. Then I saw another video that he made as he went to New Mexico. Well, OK, I stopped listening once again about the two minute point. Why?

These are his words, "I refused to answer the questions..." From there he escalated the situation. Now a couple of new questions came to mind.

Now let's consider 2 factors we must take into consideration. The first would be from our rights as American Citizens. I must remind us that first and foremost, we drive on the roads by the grace of the law. It is a Privilege, not a right, to drive down I-8 (the road in which this horrid event took place.) Since it is a privilege, we must assume that there are conditions that can be imposed upon us, within reason.

Also let us remember that almost 8 years ago, 911 happened. 911 changed EVERYTHING in regards to personal rights and privacy, especially on the roadways and airports. And we willingly let these rights go. But let's be fair here. Law Enforcement Agents, such as Border Patrol, did not take a mile when we gave them the inches. They probably asked the questions that were not invasive.

The questions were most likely, "Where are coming from?" & "Where are you heading?" Below you will find two links to two videos. Unfortunately we are not able to hear the questions, nor does he tell us what was asked. Being from Yuma and my wife from the Las Cruces/El Paso Tx area, we go through these check points quite often. We have never have had any problems, which is amazing since I look more menacing than our Baptist Brother, and couple that with my Hispanic-looking wife (she is Korean).

Of course, we tell them what they want to know. "We were visiting family and now heading home to Winslow, AZ." "THank you, have a nice day and drive safely," is what we always hear.

Now some may ask, "Steven, that is too personal." Maybe. But this brings up a question of rights, especially since the Baptist Preacher appealed to 4th Admenment. Are our rights something we should hold onto? Is there a time we should willing let ourselves lay them aside?

This is a critical question because as many of you know, I am now heavily involved in the political scene in North Arizona. You may even have seen me on YouTube protesting at the Boston Tea Party 2 of Winslow AZ. So what guidelines do I use?

Of course Romans 13.1 says submit to our governing authorities. So an officer asks me a question, I answer. Constitution says I can demonstrate in such a way that I do not interfere with another's rights, I demonstrate. Obama says I need to pay more taxes, I pay more taxes. If an officer says, "Open your trunk." I do. Remember, 911.

But more, Acts 16, Paul was flogged. He had rights. He was a Roman Citizen, and they can NOT be flogged. He was. He laid his rights aside so that Jesus could be glorified. (He didn't do this every time. In Acts 22, he claimed his rights and was spared the flogging.)

Then there is what Peter admonished us to do as a Chosen People of God in his first letter. (2.12-17) We are to live such a good life (good is Old English meaning "godly") that we silence our critics. We are to submit to every authority from Obama to Officer Diaz, so that God can be glorified in our lives.

Unfortunately, our Baptist Brother did not do this. He, as you will hear in the second video, went with a hostile attitude, or at best, a self-righteous attitude. Did he deserve the beating? Officers entrusted with our protection would hopefully show more restraint. Perhaps they did act within reason. But that is not the point. The real question: Was God glorified in his actions? Is God glorified in OUR actions?

Tis be my prayer, brethren! God bless and God speed to you! Thanks for reading this lengthy post. --smh

Video of Pastor Steve Anderson telling what happened:

Video of Pastor Steve Anderson going through the New Mexico Border check: